Most of you are no longer paying for flights or hotels for your vacations due to large credit card sign up bonuses. For those who haven’t quite reached that level we’ll show you how to get a massive discount on these expenses. I’ve decided to start experimenting with password protected posts as well.
This post is password protected, you must join our newsletter to receive the password (join in the sidebar). If you’ve already joined the newsletter and haven’t received your password please check your spam folder and unmark it as spam, if you still don’t see it then please contact us. We will also tweet the password out at some stage today, so make sure to follow us on twitter as well if you’d prefer.
Is there some way I can view this article? I wasn’t signed up for the newsletter in 2014.
PW is secretpassword, post isn’t relevant anymore.
Hey William, I hope the password protect idea works out well for you. I thought about it, but decided that it wasn’t good for my blog as I thought it may deter my readers. I hope it goes well, keep us posted on how it works out!
Is the password going to stay the same for future MS posts?
Not sure yet to be honest, we might use a different one or we might keep it the same. What do you think is best?
Well, I was underwhelmed at the password’s complexity. Interesting read though.
Why password this?
I almost always stop reading blogs when they do this.
If I have time to read blogs I have it when I’m first looking at them. If I need to send an email, tweet, Facebook PM, or whatever I just move along to the next blog or to FT where I can find info 24/7.
I’m not sure what cross platform social media how to increase traffic or newsletter sign ups super genius advised bloggers to do this, or if it is just monkey see monkey do, but it is a really poor way to market a blog.
If the information shouldn’t be public odds are your xxx # of readers you give the info to is also too much exposure.
Hmm, I’m in a mood today but seriously. I hate secret or password protected posts. Just in case I wasn’t clear on that 😉
Fair enough, it isn’t for everybody. That said we want to provide an incentive to join the mailing list, originally I was just going to send this out as a private e-mail but I wanted my blog readers to know what they are missing.
While I don’t agree with Haley on the principle of password-protected posts, I gotta say this one was pretty underwhelming and not worthy of protection. In the short time I’ve been reading your blog I’ve gotten much more valuable ideas from your open posts than from this one. So if you plan to continue with secret posts – please make them worthwhile!
Glad you find the other stuff on the site useful, we’re not password protecting the best posts though. The aim is just to provide a bit of extra value to our newsletter subscribers – I could just send the information directly to them but then people who just read the blog won’t know what they are missing out on.
No password in the newsletter 🙁
(I got one this morning, titled “Free Points: 1,000 IHG Points, 300 Lufthansa & Bank Bonuses”)
I’m a bit slow sometimes and forgot to include it, I’ll be sending out another newsletter today with the information.