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Kevin (@guest_1246113)
August 30, 2021 02:15

DP: submitted in-state application for checking and savings on 8/28. Got a hard pull on Equifax today. Still no word on application status.

Lefty (@guest_1246542)
August 31, 2021 09:33

Thank you for the data point! Passing on this one now.

mothman69 (@guest_1245848)
August 29, 2021 08:44

I submitted an OOS application on 8/22 and received an email saying “We will email you in a couple of days when we’ve processed your application.”

I have not received anything from them since then and I can still pull up my application by selecting “Resume an application”. Either they take a long time to process applications or I’m in some sort of application limbo. I might try calling to see what’s going on.

Kris (@guest_1245875)
August 29, 2021 10:02

mothman69 Did they do a hard pull? Credit card funding?

mothman69 (@guest_1245896)
August 29, 2021 10:49

Kris No hard pull or Chex inquiry yet, but I do not think they’ve actually processed my application so that might change. They do offer up to $500 CC funding in the application.

mothman69 (@guest_1246138)
August 30, 2021 07:07

Update: I received a hard pull on Equifax on 8/30.

Lefty (@guest_1246539)
August 31, 2021 09:33

Thank you for your sacrifice! I’ve been waiting for the update but won’t be applying now for a paltry $100 bonus. Hard pulls for bank accounts are fucking ridiculous!

mothman69 (@guest_1255429)
September 19, 2021 09:35

Wow, I had to jump through quite a few hurdles but I was finally approved and my checking account was opened on 9/14. I did not want to give up on this one and waste a hard pull.

$50 bonus posted the same day on 9/14 even before my $500 CC funding arrived on 9/16.

I asked if opening the savings account would trigger another hard pull and their response was: “We would not re-pull credit for existing customers if additional accounts are opened in branch or via live chat. The web page and open an account within online banking both do a credit pull as part of the process.”

I will try to open the savings via live chat and see if the $50 bonus for that posts immediately as well. I did notice that the offer webpage is no longer working…not sure if they pulled the offer early or not.

mothman69 (@guest_1258876)
September 28, 2021 07:50

I was able to open the savings account via chat without an additional hard pull. The bonus did not post automatically so I sent a SM asking about it after 5 days went by. They replied the next day and credited my savings account $50.

Also, the debit card will not work unless used at an ATM first, even though there’s a number to call and activate it and set the PIN.

Michael (@guest_1245735)
August 28, 2021 19:12

I’m wondering if surrounding states can open an account or not like the Frontier Bank bonus earlier this year.

Eric (@guest_1245730)
August 28, 2021 19:02

 William Charles,

How do you know this is only for Iowa residents? I don’t see anything about that in the terms and it lists all of the states on the 1st page of the app. I didn’t proceed though.

Joe (@guest_1245688)
August 28, 2021 15:27

Lots of Iowa banks required a branch visit to open the account.
I wonder is it possible to open this checking and saving accounts online?

Eric (@guest_1245728)
August 28, 2021 19:00

It shows “APPLY ONLINE”. Are you saying that other Iowa banks show that but eventually make you come in to finalize the account opening?

Joe (@guest_1245834)
August 29, 2021 03:43
