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Jacob (@guest_1700595)
September 23, 2023 04:13

Denial DP: Applied 9/17 and never received a call. Contacted bank 9/22 and was informed I was declined an account due to chex. I have about 10 new accounts in the past year so if you’re a hardcore churner this won’t be for you.

Jacob (@guest_1693497)
September 14, 2023 09:14

Hey this bank is 5 minutes away from me!

DZ (@guest_1691618)
September 12, 2023 11:35

They are requiring the ID verification and first deposit occur in branch

e0 (@guest_1690481)
September 10, 2023 22:54

In-state but not within footprint. Closest branch is just under 100 miles away. Completed application and final page said “thanks for submitting. a banker will contact you” or similar. i closed the tab already. will circle back with an update once/if i hear back

e0 (@guest_1691615)
September 12, 2023 11:29

UPDATE: Got a call from a banker asking me to come in to sign and make initial deposit. They also mentioned they saw I had applied at other banks and asked if I was able to open accounts at them. Unless I’m in the area in the next few weeks I won’t be moving forward.

ABC (@guest_1689604)
September 9, 2023 13:06

My goodness, I think I need move to IL. 80% banks on doctor of credit are in IL.

Stan F
Stan F (@guest_1689509)
September 9, 2023 09:21

anyone applied before OOS?

JOHN m (@guest_1689518)
September 9, 2023 09:59

Not this bank, but another. I was about 20 miles away in MO. Bank was in IL. I was in their “footprint”.

Carl J
Carl J (@guest_1689533)
September 9, 2023 10:38

I applied on Wednesday just over the border in Wisconsin, about 35 minutes to nearest location. Haven’t heard back.

mothman69 (@guest_1689613)
September 9, 2023 13:19

Stan F Carl J appears to be in-branch only, and possibly only if you live in their footprint:

Jacob (@guest_1700593)
September 23, 2023 04:12

If you haven’t heard back you were likely denied. I was denied for too many new accounts from chex and I never got a call.