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mothman69 (@guest_1541235)
January 24, 2023 19:22

back again at $300 until 6/30/2023

mothman69 (@guest_1501865)
December 4, 2022 16:24

7/5 – opened checking and savings accounts
7/13 – 2x $250 real DDs (Brex)
7/19 – $1k deposit to savings to waive monthly fee
9/27 – $4k deposit to savings to meet $5k savings balance on day 90
10/5 – withdrew $5k from savings to checking, savings account auto-closed due to $0 balance
10/26 – $100 DD bonus and $50 checking account bonus posted, sent SM asking why I didn’t receive $50 savings bonus
10/28 – received SM stating that I did not qualify because my savings account was closed prior to reaching the 90 day requirement, replied that they need to re-check their math because it was definitely open for at least 90 days
10/31 – received SM stating that the marketing department made an error and that I’ll be credited the $50
11/1 – $50 savings bonus posted
11/2 – zeroed out checking account
11/3 – sent SM requesting checking account be closed, account was closed later that same day (it might have auto-closed on it’s own like the savings account)

David (@guest_1468123)
October 18, 2022 12:14

for initial funding during application, do you have the option of trial deposits to link external account or you must go through Plaid?

David (@guest_1467315)
October 17, 2022 13:02

For those of you opened the accounts and got bonus, do you open both checking and Money builder Saving account at the same time during application? or you must follow their bonus term : 1) open a checking account, apply and being issued a debit card and enroll for estatements. 2) after completing step 1), come back to open a Money Builder savings account?
If you come back to open the Money Builder Savings account after step 1), do you need to apply the promo code again?

JesC (@guest_1460430)
October 7, 2022 19:44
mothman69 (@guest_1405008)
July 5, 2022 19:30

Successfully approved on 7/5 with Chex score of 544 (unlike my denial last year with a score of 577).
Last 30: 8
Last 60: 12
Last 90: 16
Last 180: 29
Last 365: 82
Last 730: 133

StarAdmiral (@guest_1404509)
July 4, 2022 12:49

04/29 DD $500
05/13 DD $500
07/01 $150 bonus posted

Burnout1749 (@guest_1403032)
July 1, 2022 05:18

Extended until the end of the year. This bodes well for those of us who did the elevated 300 bonus 2 years ago, will become eligible before it expires.

Also, doesn’t look like there’s any restrictions on households in the fine print.

zz (@guest_1374712)
May 1, 2022 20:32

I’m encountering an error when making the account, on the second page where I put in my DL info the page asked for
Password-Secret word to identify you” but everything I put in as a password is invalid and I can’t progress past this page. Obviously as a new customer there is no established password for this field to match, so I have no idea what they could possibly want me to enter. There also is not list of password rules shown that would incidate my password is lacking the correct number of characters, numbers, etc. Does anyone know what the solution is to this issue?

Lisa Evans
Lisa Evans (@guest_1347311)
March 14, 2022 10:58

I put in money in an investment company with high hopes of making more Ps for myself but to my disappointment, when it was time to make a withdrawal it became an issue they started asking for tax fee, withdrawal fee and lots more. I was recommended to JIMFUNDSRECOVERY  @  CONSULTANT d0t COM where I filed a complaint and I was able to get my money after meeting certain requirements. Thumbs Up guys