It’s possible to get increased sign up bonuses on many American Express cards again, these are often referred to incognito mode offers as it’s possible to get them to show up by using incognito mode. If that doesn’t work, try one of these methods instead.
- AmEx EveryDay Preferred 30,000 Membership Rewards Offer. Great deal, especially when you take into account the awesome bonus categories.
- AmEx EveryDay 25,000 Membership Rewards Offer. Fantastic offer if you can get the 25,000 to show.
- Blue Cash Everyday $250 Offer. Others are seeing this $300 offer. This is much better than the typical standard offer of $100, but it has been better many times in the past with an additional 10% bonus category for cellular or Amazon or restaurants.
- Blue Cash Preferred $250 Offer This is much better than the typical standard offer of $150, but it has been better many times in the past with an additional 10% bonus category for cellular or Amazon or restaurants.
- American Express Premier Rewards Gold 50,000 Point Offer. There have been offers for 75,000 points in the past, so might be worth holding out.
- Starwood’s Preferred Guest 30,000 Points. We recently saw a 35,000 bonus and that was post Marriott/SPG merger so hopefully it’ll come back.
- American Express Personal Platinum 75,000 Points after $5,000 in spend. Also might be possible to get the 100,000 point offer using this approach.
- American Express Green Charge Card 25,000 Membership Rewards Points Offer. Not the best offer, but this card doesn’t usually come with a sign up bonus, now that AmEx cards are once per lifetime this is a decent option for those that are running out of cards.
Hat tip to Frequentmiler. Let us know which offers you were able to find.
Thank you for posting the incognito techniques on how to get better offers to appear. I never heard of this before. I was offered the $200 offer on BCE and only went to the Web looking to figure out how to get it back, when I found this site. (I guess I took too long to read everything? Never closed the window but did open another tab to figure out what a “plan” meant.) On my own, deleting cookies did not work. But clearing the cache for 4 weeks and searching via Chrome’s “guest” option did work.
Has anyone had luck recently generating the 25K Amex Everyday offer? Been trying for a few weeks and no luck
I see the 25k Amex Everyday 25k offer right now using Microsoft Edge Private browsing/Incognito
Can I ask what state you’re based out of? I’m wondering if it’s geography specific / targeted
Holy crap! Seeing them all listed there and trying to figure out which one I should apply for only to realize I have or have had all of those cards.
Anyone know if incognito is still working? It worked for me in the past, but recently I’ve had no success with it (I get the standard offers). Wondering if I should stop trying.
Couldn’t pull anything using multiple methods including VPN. However, Baidu + Chrome Incognito worked for EDP 30K. Thanks!!
Would applying for Schwab Amex Plat and any of these cards listed above and offered directly by Amex on the same day combine hard pulls?
Just pulled the Platinum 100k offer using baidu method in a private safari window on my iphone first try!! Previous incognito attempts (hundreds) on the last couple of times were unsuccessful. Best of luck and thanks Doc!
Somewhat interesting DP: Just got instant approval for both my 5th Amex CC (EDP. Already had ED, SPG, Delta Gold, BCE) and 4th Amex Charge (Green. Already had PRG, Plat, Corporate – though I’m not sure if that last one counts) with the Baidu method.
Thanks for posting, Doc! Hello 240k MR balance…
Anyone getting the BGR (Business Gold Rewards) to show the 75K MR offer to show? Thanks.
Hi, Chuck. Just wanted to point out a small typo for Personal Plat: “get the 10,000 point offer using this approach” should be “100,000”. Also, for those curious, I successfully applied for Personal Plat and PRG using name change method with 100k & 50k, respectively on May 23.
Fixed, thanks
can you advise on this name change method??