Increased American Express Delta Offers (Not Worth Doing)

The Offers

Our Verdict

These offers are all significantly worse than the offers we recently saw from American Express + Delta. I’d recommend waiting for better offers to return and we won’t add these to the best credit card bonus page.

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Lrdx (@guest_1254751)
September 17, 2021 02:35

I’m seeing the Gold with 70k+$200 Delta credit ($2k spend, AF waived) with dummy booking.

Proton (@guest_1255078)
September 17, 2021 19:25

I am seeing the same.

Lrdx (@guest_1255400)
September 19, 2021 01:08

BTW that’s still not the historical best; that would be 70k + $400 or 90k + $200,

SpicyPadThai (@guest_1254739)
September 17, 2021 01:35

I miss the $200 statement credit on gold and plat 🙁

Proton (@guest_1254707)
September 17, 2021 00:05

I am confused about using points with Delta. Do you have to have a Delta credit card in order to book with miles? I can covert my Amex points to my Skymiles account which can cover the entire flight. However, I am not sure if I will be able to since I don’t have a Delta credit card. Any help would be appreciated.

Celery (@guest_1254712)
September 17, 2021 00:18

You don’t need a delta credit card to do what you want to do

Fay White
Fay White (@guest_1254730)
September 17, 2021 00:53


SK (@guest_1254732)
September 17, 2021 01:12

You can use the Skymiles without the Delta credit card.

SpicyPadThai (@guest_1254738)
September 17, 2021 01:34

These credit cards are only there to help you earn miles easily and to enjoy delta airline-specific benefits.

Frogger (@guest_1254656)
September 16, 2021 22:01

I get the pop up for Delta cards. No matter that I have spent $60k on Amex cards so far this year.

Lt Q
Lt Q (@guest_1254714)
September 17, 2021 00:24

Same here, first time I got the damn pop up.

P (@guest_1254652)
September 16, 2021 21:45

Delta cards are the only Amex cards I’ve never touched yet.

Richard (@guest_1254641)
September 16, 2021 20:57

AmEx never matches, right? I had signed up for the 125k + 10k MQM reserve about 2 weeks ago, but I’d rather have 80k + 20k MQM.

Andy (@guest_1254667)
September 16, 2021 22:25

no match, but can gift some points afaik

Simon (@guest_1254629)
September 16, 2021 20:32

Biz Gold shows as an all-time high on USCreditCardGuide? What should I be waiting for instead?

Tsarinax (@guest_1254769)
September 17, 2021 06:13

I think the offers are worse for the personal cards, but for the business side they are actually pretty decent. The plat is 90k + 10k MQM + 100 for 3k spend. Previously, it was 95k and I think + 200 for $5k spend. This isn’t drastically worse, $100 and 5k less, but 2k less spend and 10k MQM.

Jon (@guest_1254624)
September 16, 2021 20:25

Got a targeted mail offer on the Platinum for 90K + companion ticket in year 0 after $3k, and the $100 credit. Any better than these? 🤷‍♀️

Newbie (@guest_1254634)
September 16, 2021 20:45

Thanks to Doc, I applied incognito and got approved for Delta Gold for 90k plus $200 credit and 0 AF, $2000 spend, few months ago. But did not get the monthly $10 restaurant credit.

P2 got upgrade offer from no fee delta to platinum for don’t exactly remember the points plus $200 (did not accept), while talking to rep.

Tsarinax (@guest_1254770)
September 17, 2021 06:13

That’s a solid offer.