Increased American Express Delta Offers (Up To 90,000 Miles) [Last Day]

Update 4/6/21: These offers are showing an end date of 4/28/21 in lounge, hat tip to MtM. Keep in mind there are better offers on the gold card:

The Offers


Our Verdict

Better than the previous increased offers we’ve seen on these cards before. Although Delta keeps devaluing rewards miles, so relatively speaking it’s difficult to say if that’s actually the case or not. Still worth considering some of these offers if you plan to travel after vaccination and can use them in the medium term. We will be adding these to our best credit card bonus page.

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Joe (@guest_1208323)
June 17, 2021 13:33

There’s now a referral bonus for 90,000 miles and a $200 statement credit for the Delta Platinum card. $3,000 spend in 3 months is pretty doable. Click my name to go to my page if you’re interested in learning more. The link there should show the offer I was able to generate. Pretty killer deal if you can get approved.

This is the same number of points as referred to here, plus $200 statement credit to offset the $250 AF.

anon (@guest_1184920)
April 30, 2021 15:17

FYI, still seeing the 70k +$200 statement credit offer on Gold card when making a dummy reservation on

Jerry (@guest_1183823)
April 28, 2021 11:39

 William Charles

Just saw an ad for delta platinum 90k AND $100 statement credit for personal card

Jerry (@guest_1183832)
April 28, 2021 12:00

Nvm. It was business.

Aaron (@guest_1183819)
April 28, 2021 11:34

Dont worry. They’ll pump it up to 120k next year and devalueate delta skypesos to 0.8 cpp

Chase-ing UR points
Chase-ing UR points (@guest_1183805)
April 28, 2021 10:57

As I previously mentioned on 3/5, regular increased offers are good thru 4/28. However, business increased offers (via referral) have a 5/5 expiration date. Personal offers via referral also have the 5/5 expiration date and come with the $200 home improvement credit, so those would be better anyways than the offers in the post (especially if you have a family member referring you)

Newbie (@guest_1180956)
April 22, 2021 13:00

P2 got Delta platinum upgrade offer, 50k plus $200 statement credit after spending $3000 in 6 months. Redeem by 5/7/21.
Is this a good offer?
Or wait for new application. Never had delta platinum.
Or Delta miles are useless, don’t even bother applying?

Joe (@guest_1182407)
April 25, 2021 09:18

I took the offer. The miles are worth about $500 in delta gift cards and the statement credit pays for most of the annual fee ($250). The clincher was the Global Entry fee waiver for us. I previously did the delta gold sub before downgrading to blue before annual fee hit. I wouldn’t go too far out of your way to do it though. If you can do it with daily spend or something easy, have at it.

Colin (@guest_1173079)
April 7, 2021 21:49

Nope. Not Delta after their newest stunt. Not just the double-devaluations – but their virtue signaling, flip-flopping CEO Nope. All the nopes.

Joe (@guest_1182409)
April 25, 2021 09:20

I feel similarly, but isn’t doing SUBs a great way to stick it to a company, since we’re benefitting at their expense?

Del (@guest_1183800)
April 28, 2021 10:40

Say no to delta. CEO can’t focus on the business. Too concerned about social issues

howie (@guest_1173019)
April 7, 2021 20:38

Dude, i clicked on the Delta Reserve SkyMiles link and navigated to 100K Platinum (personal) offer?
Could not pass up.
Thank you amigo.

Scotty (@guest_1183878)
April 28, 2021 13:13

100k after 15k spend. There are offers up to 150k for that level of spend.

Gary P
Gary P (@guest_1172743)
April 7, 2021 13:15

So I assume if I took a 60K after $2K offer on the gold in Feb that they won’t match it to the 70K offer? Any point in trying?

Jeff (@guest_1172651)
April 7, 2021 09:59

Do I need an ID to get this card? Just asking…

Gwill (@guest_1172655)
April 7, 2021 10:12

Is a credit card a constitutional right? Just asking…

Colin (@guest_1173067)
April 7, 2021 21:44

Nope. But freedom of movement (right to travel) is!

jack (@guest_1183827)
April 28, 2021 11:47

oh with that logic nobody needs an ID for a rifle then. Or a permit to protest either.

Jdog (@guest_1172895)
April 7, 2021 17:30

You need an ID to check luggage with Delta