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JP (@guest_272902)
July 4, 2016 21:42

any DP for cc funding? which cards code as cash advance, just visa and mc ?

JP (@guest_272905)
July 4, 2016 21:50

thx. new expiration date is: September 30, 2016

Andrew (@guest_249909)
April 22, 2016 18:13

Just recieved the $150. It was not hard.. did 5 $0.50 amazon gift card transactions. No hard pull but no CC funding. The promo is running again and I would have it as best bank bonus but its up to you guys.

Jivepicnic (@guest_235254)
March 21, 2016 10:34

I did the S&T account (expired $100 bonus offer) a few weeks ago, so I’m not able to go for this one (according to Alexis above). I’m kind of glad that I did the S&T account even though the bonus was $50 less because I was able to fund $5000 as a purchase on my Citi Hilton Reserve card. That knocked out a nice chunk of my $40k spending requirement to maintain HH Diamond status for 2017.

Andrew (@guest_233887)
March 16, 2016 14:52

I will be opening in branch this friday — will update with details here

Andrew (@guest_234459)
March 18, 2016 14:03

Update – opened account in branch today. Took about 30 min in branch. They said that theyd accept credit cards but that it would be a cash advance. I dont know if it would actually code as a CA but i didnt risk it and just deposited with cash.

Will update when i do my transactions and recieve bonus.

Alexis (@guest_233877)
March 16, 2016 14:18

I have confirmed that the restrictions for one bonus per household apply across both Integrity and S&T Bank, so it’s one or the other.

Alex (@guest_233799)
March 16, 2016 09:34

It’s a soft pull according to a CS rep. Didn’t ask about opting out of overdraft protection

Dee (@guest_233777)
March 16, 2016 07:35

There is a branch in my neighborhood. I’ll open an account on Thursday, see if I can fund with a credit card and let you know.

Alex (@guest_233597)
March 15, 2016 16:12

Any way to apply online?

Marc (@guest_233496)
March 15, 2016 11:06

Probably should have [PA Only] in the header?