Lots of people bought up Mastercard gift cards from Staples.com when they ran a fee free promotion at the end of January which stacked nicely with the Amex Offer deal. Unfortunately, the cards aren’t working, despite showing in the system as activated properly.
I’m not sure if everyone was affected, but at a minimum it’s a problem affecting many. You can read comments of the previous post (sort by ‘Newest’) to see reports on this issue.
Seems like readers are dealing with this in one of two ways:
- Call Giftcardmall 1-877-426-2551 (press 2 to speak to a person) and ask for technical support team.
- Call the number on back of the card and ask for replacement cards.
I finally had my issue resolved, full details here: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/staples-com-fee-free-100-mastercard-gift-cards-limit-10-stack-with-amex-offer/#comment-966169
Just had a problem with a Visa card I bought in March 2020, could not activate it online or over the phone. Called using the above number and eventually they were able to activate my card (although the connection was horrible.) Told to wait 2 hours before I use it, fingers crossed.
I filed a complain against BlackHawk Network on CFPB @ https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-begins-accepting-consumer-complaints-on-prepaid-cards-and-additional-nonbank-products/ as they are the customer service listed on the letter shipped with the cards. Before that I called them and they even told me that they don’t have relationship with Staples anymore and will not handle the case from Staple. Then I called Staples and was just transferred to Giftcard mall and started the call loop again. Finally I called Chase to file the dispute against Staples selling defective cards.
Thanks for the detailed info, let us know what happens.
Anybody receive their replacement cards? I called in about 3 weeks ago and still haven’t received the replacement cards yet.
I didn’t receive my replacement cards within the 7-10 days they said it would take, so last weekend I called them and they said they’ll send replacement cards for those replacement cards. I’m not confident those replacements will arrive either, but it’s only been 5 business days, so we’ll see. One snag with ordering the replacements for the replacements was that I could no longer reach someone by calling the number on the back of the cards because it requires having a valid card number, and they de-activated my cards. I had to call GiftCardMall instead (877-426-2551) and have them connect me with a person from Blackhawk/Metabank/whatever is normally at the other end of that phone number on the back of the card.
Thanks for the information. I had a similar situation like you. I called in about three weeks ago and spoke to a lady and after a long talk she finally agreed to replace all my 10 cards after verifying all of my cards were still valid and said the replacements should arrive within 7-10 business days but it never happened.
I called in about two weeks later and none of the agents would like to help me out as soon as they found out my card(s) was already invalid (coz the first agent deactivated all of them). All they did was to ask me to call Meta bank as they are the issuer and ask the bank to re-issue the cards to me. All of these non-sense and I was getting kicked around.
Avi, did you call 877-426-2551 and just ask them to connect you to Meta bank and the agent helped you with that? I called the GiftcardMall number on the back of the card and all they did was asking me to call MasterCard instead and gave me a number and then the Mastercard agants asked to call MetaBank. None of them would really me anyways.
Thanks Avi. When you called the 2nd time, did they ask you for the card number? I called GiftcardMall and all they can find was that all of the cards are successfully activated so they can’t do anything about it. Then I called MasterCard (or got patched through to another number I can’t remember), which I believe was the first time I got replacement promise, but now they only found out that all of the cards are invalid… How did you get them to agree to send you the 2nd replacement? Did they find your 1st replacement record? I asked the agent about the record but they couldn’t find anything about the 1st replacement… Now I’m stuck…
While on the phone with them during the first order replacement call, I asked them for a case number in case I had to reference this again (just as a precaution, as I genuinely thought I’d never have to call again). Luckily, I was able to use that case number to reference the replacement order when I did have to call again. They could see when the replacement order was made and that it had been more than 10 days. The new (2nd) replacement has a new case number, and this time I think they offered it to me instead of me having to ask for it. It never occurred to me that there would be no secure way for them to look these up without a case number though. I guess worse case scenario you could dispute the charge with your credit card’s bank?
Thanks. It was smart to get a case number. I regret I didn’t. I will call them again to find out and I don’t have any trust on them shipping the replacement now. Thanks for your info. I don’t think I can dispute as Staples/GiftcardMall will deny for sure as they shipped the cards.
Hi Andy. I’m going to try disputing the charge. I’ve wasted way too much time on this already. I really just want my money back.
Hi Andy, I disputed the charge and received my money back from Staples a few days ago. I’m sure glad that the nightmare is over.
Glad to hear that! I did the same and Staple refunded as well. Learnt the lesson and will not deal with these cards again.
I haven’t received replacement cards after waiting over 3 weeks. I spent over a half hour on the phone with Giftcardmall and in the end they couldn’t help me. They gave me a phone number of 1-877-610-1075 to try, but I haven’t called it. I really just want to be done with this nightmare.
I’m going to try filing a chargeback claim and see if it goes anywhere. I feel like I have a good case since I received defective merchandise. I’d rather have Staples deal with this mess than me.
FYI, the phone number Giftcardmall gave you is the one for Visa on this page: https://www.myprepaidcenter.com/contact-us
The phone number listed for Mastercard on that same page is 888-371-2109 in case you want to give it one last shot.
I did not have any issue. I received the cards on saturday ($500) 02/08
I activated them and registed. In the transaction log, it said $100 loaded on 02/09 i.e. the next day
So I waited till Sunday to start paying my utility bill, life insurance bill. All of them went through without a hitch. It says pending , but does not say rejected
How do you activate? mcgift.giftcardmall.com register option?
I am getting the below error
“We are unable to process your request at this time. If you continue to receive this error, please contact Cardholder services by calling the number on the back of your card.”
The activation instructions should have arrived with the cards, and it requires an activation PIN for each card that may come with them, or in a separate letter a few days later. The giftcardmall URL is for registering the cards, which is a step you do after activating them so you’ll be able to use them for online purchases.
The activation codes are printed on the paper that came along with the cards. I think this is something new.
I just need the link or phone number to activate the cards. Can someone provide that?
The activation information is on the back of the paper the cards came glued to. There is an automated system you call to activate – 877-233-4633.
If you tried registering them first at giftcardmall.com before activation they most likely will not be able to be activated through the automated system. You’ll have to call 877-426-2551, then hit 2 -> 1 and talk to a rep there to get them activated for you. Will need your Staples order # and billing info.
Update: My cards didn’t work in past 3 days, but it works now!
Me too. Card didn’t work before, suddenly works now (online payment).
I’m having the same issues. Walmart declined one at the register. So far I have not found any online opportunities to spend as even when registered the payment is declined. I also purchased a $100 Amazon card as a test. That went through, but was then reversed in a few days due to ‘payment issues.’ I also attempted to list them on Paypal and Fluz, but they aren’t working there either.
I do have one which GCM is claiming was not activated at the register. Staples is telling me to call GCM. I’m still working on that one.
By Friday evening all my cards were working. Talked to a CSR and they said there had been a problem and it had been fixed. I was skeptical but sure enough, when I tried one it worked.
Wasn’t working Wednesday, but working today. Never called in. Either just wait a day or two after activation, or they’ve figured out the problem and have fixed it.
yes, tried today and worked.
they all working today seems problem has been fixed
Throwing in some good news. I used all 10 after I activated & registered them with no issue. 5 on Costco.com, 2 to pay car insurance, 2 whole + 1 partial to pay gas bill, the remainder to reload Amazon. I will still hold my breath until everything posts. I wrote on each card what I used it for, just in case. I had planned to buy MOs at the grocery store, but thought it would be a nightmare if any of the 10 failed.