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David (@guest_1532354)
January 12, 2023 21:33

Tiers updated and top bonus increased:

Bob (@guest_1315637)
January 15, 2022 12:00

Bonus has increased. You can now get up to $625. New Promo expires 4/07/22.
$125 for $25,000+
$300 for $100,000+
$625 for $250,000+
Must maintain funds for 90 days.

upstate (@guest_1280923)
November 10, 2021 06:39

$200 posted in two, $100 transactions to my Self-Directed account on November 9. I completely forgot about the bonus. I deposited $95,000 since August 15, which should have qualified me for only $100.

calwatch (@guest_1282856)
November 13, 2021 16:51

Same, got $200 for adding $25k more to my account. I bought more shares in the ETF I was in and transferred the remainder out to my checking account. It’s possible that the bonus might have been calculated on total amount, since I have to have 75k+ to qualify for Sapphire Checking with the free safe deposit box. Thank you JP Morgan.

upstate (@guest_1284133)
November 16, 2021 09:35

One of the $100 bonus payments was reversed yesterday.

Calwatch (@guest_1284581)
November 16, 2021 20:25

Same. So no bank error in my favor.

calwatch (@guest_1277708)
November 4, 2021 01:45

Well the 90 days are up, did anyone get their bonus?

Tae Kim
Tae Kim (@guest_1262949)
October 6, 2021 19:01

It’s asking for a coupon code, what is it?

qmc (@guest_1233201)
August 3, 2021 03:37

Hmm, this is an interesting one, but it would lock you out of a CPC, another sapphire checking, or youinvest bonus for 12 months… which we haven’t been seeing lately.

“You can only participate in one Chase Private Client, Chase Sapphire Checking or J.P. Morgan Self-Directed Investing bonus offer in a 12-month period from the last bonus enrollment date”

Ted (@guest_1233133)
August 2, 2021 23:18

YouInvest (JPMSD) screwed up a reverse stock split today. Really dumb with balances. I wouldn’t recommend the product.

TB (@guest_1233160)
August 3, 2021 00:23

Ford stock? Stock splits usually take 1-2 days to settle anyway

dan (@guest_1233164)
August 3, 2021 00:36

Is it for GE stock? you probably need to wait for at least a few days to show it properly. It happened in my accounts with other brokerages before with other reserve or regular stock split too.

OST (@guest_1233096)
August 2, 2021 22:10

is there any sort of SUB for this account for new members?

Dennis (@guest_1232873)
August 2, 2021 16:54

Does a YouInvest account count as JP Morgan Self Directed investing account?

August 2, 2021 18:07

IIRC it’s the same thing, new name

Dan (@guest_1232768)
August 2, 2021 14:34

Does chase checking account count as J.P. Morgan Securities LLC or its affiliate? I mean, can I just transfer the money from my checking account to self directed invest?

Also, is this under the 12-month period restriction? If yes, why don’t I just open a chase Sapphire checking account when there is a bonus offer of it, or close my self directed invest, and open it again some time?

Gerald (@guest_1232782)
August 2, 2021 14:51

I wouldn’t risk transferring the money directly from a Chase account. Move it to a non-Chase account and then move it from there.