Sample Letter: Opt Out Of Pre Screened Credit Card Offers

The following is a sample letter that should be sent to each of the three consumer reporting agencies if you want to opt out for pre screened credit card and insurance offers. To find full addresses for each of the agencies click here. You can also opt out by phone or online.

Make sure you replace the items in red with your own details. 

To Whom It May Concern

I’m writing to let you know that I’d like to opt out for all pre-screened offers. Under FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) all consumer reporting agencies must comply with this request. To verify that you’ve received this letter and processed my request, please send a letter stating as much.

My details are as follows:

<Full name>
<Date of birth>
<Social security number>
<Phone number>

Thanking you in advance,

<Your name>, <Your signature>

Just remember that if you do opt out, this will limit the pre-qualified offers you can see online.

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