Kroger 4x Fuel Points on Gift Cards This Weekend, 2x the Whole Summer

The Offer

  • Purchase gift cards from Kroger and receive 4x fuel points on participating gift cards this weekend, 5/8/15 – 5/10/15.
  • Earn double fuel points on ordinary purchases from Kroger this summer on weekends, until 8/2/15.

slickdeals kroger fuel points


These offers are available via digital coupon at Kroger. You must load the digital coupon first to get the bonus fuel points. The deal is also likely available at other stores of the same chain such as Fry’s, etc. These offers can be used more than one time.

In regards to the gift card promo: In  past offers, the only exclusions were Visa/Mastercard/Amex/Kroger gift cards while all other gift cards were eligible. (Fixed-denomination Visa/Mastercard/Amex gift cards worked for some people, not for others.) We assume that this promo will work the same.

The Fine Print

  • 4x offer valid only Friday, Saturday, Sunday 5/8/15 – 5/10/15
  • 2x offer valid on Friday, Saturday, Sunday throughout the summer until 8/2/15
  • Must load digital coupon first
  • Unlimited use

Our Verdict

Each of the Kroger-owned stores (Kroger, Fry’s, Ralphs, etc.) has different details on the exact structure of the gas rewards program. Here’s one example:

For each 1000 points, you get $1 off each gallon of gas, up to 35 gallons. Under the 4x gift card promo, you can buy $250 of gift cards to earn 1000 points, and then get a total of $35 off your fill-up if you max out on the 35 gallons. And this can be repeated again and again for additional fill-ups.

In this case, you’ll be getting a whopping 14% rebate on the $250 of gift cards, by saving $35 on the gas. At lower amounts of gas, it can still be a great deal. If you can get the deal to work on Visa/Mastercard gift cards in fixed denominations the deal could be even better.

The 2x deal throughout the summer is also a nice little boost to your gas points if you shop at Kroger anyway.

HT: Slickdeals

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Jan B
Jan B (@guest_116908)
May 9, 2015 15:16

This weekend?

Happy Mother’s Day, of course! 😉

AndroAsc (@guest_116518)
May 8, 2015 18:12

So reading on Kroger Fuel Points rules, it seems that they are good for this month and next? If I expect to fill up my car 3 times from now till the end of June, I will need 3000 points, and I can do this as long as the fill up is done by June?

JR (@guest_116040)
May 7, 2015 15:10

I think you’re mistaken on the 2X fuel points weekend promo. That relates to purchases of groceries and other goods that usually would be 1X fuel points. Gift cards earn 2X the vast majority of the year and get bumped up to 4X occasionally.

JR (@guest_116105)
May 7, 2015 17:17

No problem. Love the site and keep up the great work!

Jeremy (@guest_116593)
May 8, 2015 23:05

The terms say that variable Visa, MasterCard, and Amex are excluded from gaining fuel points. Is this not enforced?

(Look at the third question: Do gift card purchases count towards fuel points?)