[Expired] Kroger.com: Save On eGiftcards For UberEats, Airbnb, Delta Airlines, Uber & More

The Offer

Direct Link to offer

  • Kroger online is offering discounts on a number of gift cards:
    • $100 UberEats for $85; limit 1
    • Purchase $200 Airbnb eGift Card, get a $25 Kroger Family of Stores eGift Card
    • Purchase $100 Delta Air Lines eGift Card, get a $10 Kroger Family of Stores eGift Card
    • Purchase a $100 Uber eGift Card, get a $10 Kroger Family of Stores eGift Card
    • A number of other deals are available now as well, including some of ones we posted about the other week

Our Verdict

Giftcard purchases from Kroger online do not count as Grocery purchases for the credit card category.

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pizza (@guest_1508114)
December 12, 2022 20:06

Can someone explain what these Kroger Family of Stores ecards are and where I can use them?

RM (@guest_1508166)
December 12, 2022 21:00

pizza “Kroger Family of Stores ecards” are e-gift cards that can be used to buy groceries at supermarkets owned by Kroger. See this Wikipedia article for a list of store banners: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroger#Chains

Some examples of Kroger banner supermarkets (other than Kroger itself) are Food4Less, Fred Meyer, Ralphs, Baker’s, Smiths, King Soopers, Mariano’s etc. Some areas of the country (for example, New England) do not have any Kroger-owned stores.

A major limitation on Kroger eGift cards is that they cannot be used to purchase fuel at Kroger gas stations; only plastic gift cards can be used for this purpose.

pizza (@guest_1508172)
December 12, 2022 21:10

Awesome, really appreciate this helpful breakdown!

RM (@guest_1508004)
December 12, 2022 18:15

If anyone tries using a VGC or MCGC to pay, please post your DP. Trying to determine whether any open-loop cards work on the Kroger BHN site.

Jon (@guest_1507875)
December 12, 2022 15:30

Uber eats sold out

wsupnic (@guest_1508073)
December 12, 2022 19:26

It seems like the deal is instead $100 Uber gift card, get a $10 Kroger gift card