Kroger: Discounted Giftcards: Groupon, Staples & More

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Kroger has a number of discounts on gift cards:
    • Save $10 on two The Children’s Place giftcards
    • Save $5 when you buy one $25 or more IHOP giftcard
    • Save $5 when you buy three Groupon giftcards
    • Save $10 when you buy two gift cards
    • Save $10 on your grocery purchases when you buy two Staples giftcards totaling $50 or more
    • Save $5 when you buy three Panera giftcards
    • Save $10 when you buy two express gift cards
    • Save $10 when you buy two dollar shave club gift cards
    • Save $10 when you buy 4 JC Penney gift cards totaling $100 or more

The Fine Print

  • Valid until 07/29/2017

Our Verdict

You also get 4x fuel points until July 19th and double points on weekends. Resale rates on Staples are 85% so that one is a slightly money maker (update this isn’t true as it’s $10 off your next grocery purchase. Update 2: it actually just takes $10 off).

Hat tip to reader Elizabeth K

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Div (@guest_436743)
July 10, 2017 01:52

Where to check for the latest gift card exchange rate?

Div (@guest_436999)
July 10, 2017 13:39

Thanks Will. I have never sell the gift cards before, so wanted to understand the process! Any suggestions or do you have any post for it?

Div (@guest_439758)
July 14, 2017 15:01

Thanks Will

Animesh (@guest_436631)
July 9, 2017 20:44

My has not disappeared yet, have used almost 30 mins back. Will check tomorrow if this disappears.

Wyle (@guest_436689)
July 9, 2017 22:45

My experience is that it takes a few hours for the coupon to disappear, but it doesn’t work a second time.

Austin (@guest_436580)
July 9, 2017 19:14

FYI the Staples one is save $10 off groceries with $50 Staples GC purchase.

Austin (@guest_436586)
July 9, 2017 19:21

As far as I know these coupons are instant savings, but only off groceries. So if you bought 2x Staples $25 GC and $10 worth of groceries it’d be $50 flat. Sometimes its $10 off your next grocery purchase but this one looks to be same purchase.

Ben O.
Ben O. (@guest_436592)
July 9, 2017 19:24

It functions as an instant savings. Regardless if there are groceries included or not. Did it 3x today.

Austin (@guest_436594)
July 9, 2017 19:28

Good to know.

Beth (@guest_436608)
July 9, 2017 19:56

ditto Ben’s comment, did it today, got $10 off and I bought nothing else but the Staples gift cards

adam (@guest_436611)
July 9, 2017 20:03

do i still need to buy extra $10 worth of stuff or I simply pay $40 intestead of 50?

Beth (@guest_436614)
July 9, 2017 20:10

You will pay $40 for $50 worth of giftcards. It takes it off before you pay

Beth (@guest_436627)
July 9, 2017 20:39

Yes appears to be limit one. After I used it the digital coupon disappeared from my Kroger ap

scott (@guest_440547)
July 16, 2017 07:13

Yes indeed. Confirming. Bought only the discounted gift cards yesterday, worth $175. No groceries. Paid $140 at bottom-line. (all discounts on promoted gc’s came through as expected)

Austin’s question is a fair one as this is the practice elsewhere (to apply discounts to separate groceries), yet not the case at Kroger.