[Expired] Kroger Stores: 4x Fuel Points On Gift Cards, Includes Visa & Mastercard (2/26 – 2/28)

Deal has ended, view more Kroger deals by clicking here.

The Offer

See all coupons here| Visa/MC | Third party | Harris Teeter

Check your Kroger stores coupons for the following offer:

  • Save a digital coupon to get 4x fuel points on Visa and Mastercard $100, $50, or $25 fixed-value gift cards. (Does not work on variable-load Visa/MC gift cards.)
  • Save a digital coupon to get 4x fuel points on participating third party gift cards.

Typically, gift cards earn 2x, and occasionally they’ll put out offers like these to bump it up to 4x. You should see these coupons for all Kroger-family brands. Deal usually becomes available at Harris Teeter as well in roughly the same time period.


Our Verdict

The third party gift card deal should work for mostly all third party gift card brands. Remember to use a card that earns at a high rate on grocery store purchases. The Visa/MC deal should stack with the $3-4 discount coupon.

Hat tip to reader Xandy

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Scmitty (@guest_1148993)
February 23, 2021 09:33

Oddly enough all these come at the end of the month now so you only get 1 month basically to use the fuel points. Wonder if its just coincidence or that will be normal going forward. Granted I usually have more than I need anyways at the 2x with using up the CSR 3x for the month and other spend.

sdsearch (@guest_1149022)
February 23, 2021 10:16

I like that it comes at the end of the month. I then know what exact amount of gift card to buy to round up my points from other Kroger purchases that month to a multiple of 100. x01 to x99 fuel points at Kroger gets you nothing more than for x00 fuel points, so you want to be able get the most of your points, and you have say x60 points at the end of the month, a gift card amound such as $110 will get you 440 points, and thus round your existing points out perfectly. (The gift cards I tend to buy are these days available in variable amounts.)

De (@guest_1148954)
February 23, 2021 05:40

Ht looks not to have followed suit.

Aron (@guest_1148705)
February 22, 2021 16:08

There hasn’t been any stop and shop offers recently…