The Offer
- Langley Federal Credit Union is offering a 6% APY 9 month CD
Our Verdict
Can’t currently have an account. Not sure it’s worth it as rates are already comparable, but might be worth it for some. $50,000 maximum.
Hat tip to reader Gadget
LangleyFCU has introduced a new MyDesign Checking. You can choose from the following options
I did 10 debit transactions and the $50 didn’t post at EOM. Sent SM and CS said that bonus would post after 60 days (not what terms say but whatever) and that they applied code to my account, even though I provided screenshots of code.
$50 referral bonus success. I chose to open the High Yield Savings instead of the Checking account, hoping that someday they will offer a promo for that. Funded the account with $995, & $5 to the membership savings with a debit card. (Sadly, CC did not work – I tried)
09/09/24 (Late Evening) Applied online with Chex frozen. Instant approved. Instant access to online banking.
09/13/24 $50 bonus posted. “Deposit Member Referral Welcome to Langley”
Doesn’t get much easier than that. No Hard Pull. No Chex (at least when frozen).
The High Yield Savings account features 5% APY for up to $10,000, with the only restriction being that you do no more than one withdrawal a month and enroll in estatements. If you exceed the withdrawal limit, the interest rate drops to just 0.05% APY for the month.
Full disclosure – I am in footprint, but others have reported Langley to be Nationwide. Looking forward to more DP’s!
Do you have to keep the $ in for a certain time? What was the issue with the credit card charge amount and how did you know to charge $995 to the credit card and the rest to a debit card? Any monthly fees? Early closure fees? Thanks
No holding requirement.
Application said to use debit. Tried CC, hoping it would work, but it didn’t. Gave an error on screen and never hit the CC at all. Entered debit card info and it went through no problem.
No monthly fee.
I didn’t see a Early Closure fee.
The wording seems to imply you need to open up a checking account for the bonus, although then they list a few “OR’s,” so I guess a savings account is fine in lieu of the checking account for the bonus? It also says $1,000 balance in savings, so is that how you got the bonus? The wording on their site is a bit convoluted at best.
I understand that, and that’s why I included my DP and exactly what I did. I only opened the member savings as part of being a member of the credit union, and the High Yield savings. I only submitted one application & nothing else.
I also contacted customer support after I opened my High Yield savings account to confirm that a checking account was not required. You can do a loan, $1,000 deposit into savings, or the checking account with xx number of debits.
Here is what the Langley rep said when I sent an SM… unedited, and classically, with bad info about the balance requirement & when the bonus would be posted:
“The New Member must meet one of the following criteria:
At the end of the month when the New Member meets the criteria, they will receive a credit of $50 into their savings and the member who referred them will receive their reward of $50.
You only need to have one of the options done above either save, borrow or spend to get the $50 at the end of the month. You have 2 savings accounts a regular savings and a high yield savings I see you have $995 you can add 5 more dollars to the high yield savings to make a $1,000 and you both will get the $50 at the end of the month.”
If they just chose to pay it out early because I contacted them, I will never know. I did not add the additional $5 the rep said I needed.
And actually, now that I think about it… the savings account came with a Visa debit card. (Back in the day, savings accounts would come with a ATM card) I wonder if someone did 10 debits with a savings account without a $1,000 balance what happens? Anyway…
I was approved out of state.
Excellent! I also applied OOS and was approved, lol on chex so not picky at all. I used your ref link JohnR. Thanks for the $50! You like money? I like money!
Cool, thanks!
I was approved with all credit frozen.
Awesome. John R
could also just remove this page entirely since this CD is only for new customers at a single branch in the entire country which maybe 2 people here actually qualify and want to apply for thanks gadget
The mailer I received listed multiple branches. There was no link on the mailer, but I found that specific page via Google so people could see the fine print.
But yes, the title should mention In Branch only…
William Charles
does langley pull chex and/or do a hard pull to join? if so, are they inquiry-sensitive?
I hear they do pull Chex, no HP of credit, and not sensitive. I didn’t end up trying.
Late reply but I can conformed that they don’t pull Chex and doesn’t appear on my report either nor the “Only Viewed By You” section.
Last week, there was an 11-month CD available at 6%. Additionally, funds can be added to this CD during its tenure. The penalty for early withdrawal is 3 months’ worth of interest. This offer is only available in-branch
This is a promo for a very specific branch “Short Pump Branch at 11151 W Broad St.” They ran a similar promo when they opened a branch near where I live.
In branch only
And more specifically, only the Glen Allen branch near Richmond, VA per the fine print.