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Davis (@guest_2022327)
March 13, 2025 16:51

iTrustCapital has a promo where if you transfer your IRA to them, you get $100. I asked them what the minimum transfer amount was and they said $1000 if your iTrustCapital IRA hadn’t been funded and $500 if it had. Mine had previously been funded for a previous promo so I set up an IRA with eTrade for $500 and will transfer that over to iTrustCapital for the $100 promo and then transfer onto Robinhood for their 2 or 3% match. expires 4/15

Julie (@guest_1830976)
April 15, 2024 04:43

Does webull cover the acat transfer fees?

Julie (@guest_1830975)
April 15, 2024 04:42

Are you able to do an acat for a traditional and roth ira and get the 4.5 percent referred bonus?

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1825090)
April 3, 2024 08:52

Does anyone know of a brokerage/bank offering an IRA deal that has a physical branch?

Conner (@guest_1775899)
January 11, 2024 15:03

The nice thing is SOFI IRA lets you buy at the market prices fractional shares. Vanguard does not. I have both. Why not get a little 2% bonus plus ability to buy fractional shares on my contributions before April 15th through Sofi? I think so.

Kevin (@guest_1774282)
January 9, 2024 11:51

So the SoFi and webull promotions are not permanent. The Robinhood promotion more or less is. Hopefully this spreads to other brokerages.

Doug (@guest_1773246)
January 8, 2024 10:07

These miniscule matches are an absurd reason to bounce your IRA(s) from place to place. They will be completely meaningless when the time comes for you to start taking distributions.

If this is what’s on your mind about increasing your retirement savings, I’m afraid you’ve got bigger issues you should probably be working on.

Bockrr (@guest_1777626)
January 14, 2024 13:18

I think it depends what you invest in. If you just throw your money in some ETF that’s available anywhere, why not get an extra couple percent 🤷‍♂️

Julie (@guest_1830974)
April 15, 2024 04:40

Are you able to do an acat for a traditional and roth ira and get the 4.5 percent referred bonus?

chris (@guest_1773041)
January 7, 2024 23:49

gonna stick with vanguard.

TDD (@guest_1789393)
January 31, 2024 04:16

Any particular reason? chris

Gabriel (@guest_1820074)
March 26, 2024 16:03

Probably the cheaper expense ratio if I were to shoot a guess.

perkyTits (@guest_1772624)
January 7, 2024 13:07

I’m always skeptical about that WeBull company. It looks like a Chinese company collecting personal information of citizens in countries like the US and Australia, yet registered as a Singaporean business

Lyte (@guest_1773138)
January 8, 2024 04:24

Well…that’s bull, as it would be an epic feat to get SIPC for a Singaporean business because…you can’t.

That’s why the Singapore entity is a subsidiary of Webull instead (Singapore is a subordinate, not the other way around), but Webull is a U.S.-based LLC headquartered in New York and incorporated in the Cayman Islands.

While it might be U.S.-based, the Chinese connection is to Hunan Fumi Information Technology, of which Webull is not a wholly-owned subsidiary; and, while they do have a degree of autonomy, most of the private equity investors are nonetheless Chinese (so to pretend there is zero influence would be a farce).

That said, they do have a Hong Kong entity as a subsidiary (again, Hong Kong is a subordinate), but given their legion compliance issues in China, they do a terrible job of complying with Chinese laws and mandates. That’s certainly interesting compared to their comparably pristine record in the U.S., but if one is extremely prone to conspiracy: they may just do that as a cover as a really great espionage (rather than brokerage) firm?

A M 🔗
A M 🔗 (@guest_1873424)
July 12, 2024 06:23

Wait till you see Moomoo

Even more like that. They want selfies to do an address change

John (@guest_1772196)
January 6, 2024 15:45

That’s a sad short list. No major brokerages.
5 years hold time for something called WeBull… it’s a pass for me.

For people doing mega backdoor Roth, do these bonuses eat into annual max contribution of $69,000?

Jay (@guest_1772236)
January 6, 2024 16:57

Promo bonus paid into IRAs are not considered to be contributions by the general consensus. Though a brokerage will tell you to seek appropriate tax and legal advice.

These contribution (~7k single limit) promos are unlikely to be worth your time if you’re talking about having sizable 5 figure and or into multiples of 6 figures accounts. Just go after regular brokerage/bank bonuses that allow IRAs.

These match promos are more for early investor/small balance enticement to start retirement savings.

Doug (@guest_1773240)
January 8, 2024 10:03

The annual max IS THE ANNUAL MAX — all sources. Period.

Arch (@guest_1773621)
January 8, 2024 17:45

Contributions from the individual or from a third-party source directed by the individual to the IRA are contributions subject to the maximum. Earnings including bonuses paid by the brokerage into the IRA aren’t contributions. If treated as contributions to Traditional IRA instead of earnings, they couldn’t be subject to earnings taxes.

Jay (@guest_1773632)
January 8, 2024 17:56

IRA bonuses paid into the IRA account are not relevant to the contribution maximums as they (general consensus) are not considered contributions.

Andrew Pender
Andrew Pender (@guest_1818096)
March 21, 2024 21:21

Thus the point of a backdoor Roth.