Marriott Vacation Club (Timeshare): 20k Points For Online Presentation For Couples/10k For Singles

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Marriott Vacation Club (timeshare program) is offering the following points for completing an online presentation:
    • 20,000 points for couples (15,000 for premier time slot)
    • 10,000 points for singles (5,000 for premier time slot)

The Fine Print

  • Annual income of $100,000 or more is required to be eligible for this offer. This offer is for residents of, and participating from, the United States, including the District of Columbia, but excluding Delaware and Maine
  • Persons who are also not eligible for this offer include: (i) those who have taken a virtual sales presentation within the last 6 months with the MVCI corporate direct sales office; (ii) those who have an MVCI contract pending or on hold; (iii) Owners who have delinquent maintenance fees or are in foreclosure; (iv) Owners who have purchased within the last 90 days; and (v) MVW associates.

Our Verdict

$100,000 income requirement will mean a lot of people aren’t eligible. Not as good as when it was 50k points but that offer was quickly pulled. Presentation is 90 mins long so questionable if it’s worth it or not.

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JG - Dollar Consultant
JG - Dollar Consultant (@guest_1782310)
January 21, 2024 04:50

They offered me 25k points.

SY (@guest_1782209)
January 20, 2024 21:33

I got 50k pts(me and my wife) right away after taking the online sales lesson, no hard feeling, I feel it worth 90 mins.

zeer0 (@guest_1774613)
January 9, 2024 17:52

10,000 points for a 90-minute sales presentation is hilarious. Try like 5x that and I’ll consider.

Adam Hansen
Adam Hansen (@guest_1774143)
January 9, 2024 09:20

These 10,000 points cost about 0.7 cents per point for 90 minutes if you make $100,000 per year and work 40 hours a week.

RickY (@guest_1773545)
January 8, 2024 16:07

My question now is how to cancel this online presentation…will they leave me alone if I just click No on that MVC Appointment Scheduling* email they sent me?

Mauro (@guest_1772254)
January 6, 2024 17:42

Update on attending online presentation:

Someone jumped in the call for the first 5 minutes, made small talk and mentioned that the 40K points will be deposited in 4-6 weeks. While the sales rep got his presentation ready, he asked a bunch of questions, showed us various properties and benefits of ownership, etc. As the 90 minutes approached, I reminded him I had other commitments, so he cut the presentation short and got the other “financial sales manager on the call.” He ran some numbers, and I reminded him I had to go. They managed to keep me until the 2-hour mark until I said, “Thank you all, I have to go; I am not buying.” They both became almost unprofessionally aggressive. I will report once I get the 40K points.

Jhartt3 (@guest_1772348)
January 6, 2024 21:59

Marriott has changed their tone recently. They used to be way more easy going but at our comeback package in Maui last year they were very strong about how we were idiots to pass on such a good deal. Why were we even staying there? Why did we come back? Umm bc it’s worth 300 bucks a night for a 2 bed condo with kitchen in Maui. It’s not worth 60k upfront and 3k a year for a week in Maui a year. Guy just could not understand how I did math. Told him I’d take another comeback package and be back next year and he said nope.

Peter (@guest_1771680)
January 5, 2024 14:58

I mean if you think about how worthless 20k Marriott points are, the vacation club may appear to be a comparatively good deal…

Don (@guest_1771065)
January 4, 2024 18:54

Can couples each swap being the primary and get the couples amount each?

Ty K.
Ty K. (@guest_1771012)
January 4, 2024 17:48

Presentation is 90 mins long so questionable if it’s worth it or not.

Depends on whether we have to converse with a real person.

If it’s just passively watching, i wouldn’t mind even if it’s 4 hours long.

RickY (@guest_1771146)
January 4, 2024 20:50

they do require a camera on during the presentation… I would say it’s likely to have to converse with a real person.

Celery (@guest_1771959)
January 6, 2024 00:55

Have to say “no” to a real person like 37 times during that 90 mins before they let you go.

minnu (@guest_1772059)
January 6, 2024 09:46

that’s F embarrassing.

K (@guest_1771002)
January 4, 2024 17:42

Any way around the residential requirement?