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Json (@guest_1734886)
November 11, 2023 08:02

$200 Checking / $100 saving bonus is back. Bonus will be paid up to 90 days after meeting the requirements, no fee for closing early. Can qualify with 10 debit purchases OR 5 debit purchases and $500 DD.

snailrock (@guest_1359359)
April 6, 2022 01:10

There’s a $100/$200 bonus out that expires 6/10/22 and has no DD requirement:  William Charles

justmeha (@guest_1315854)
January 15, 2022 21:07

seems like you can open a account OOS, but you wont receive the bonus

C H (@guest_1304502)
December 24, 2021 10:48

Bonus posted 12/22
Opened 10/14
Used Schwab Moneylink, CapitalOne for $500 deposits

Justmeha (@guest_1304512)
December 24, 2021 11:08

Are you from oos, or did you sign up with a ME or NH address?

anon (@guest_1297246)
December 9, 2021 16:44

$300 bonus hit a few days ago (12/07/21)

Justmeha (@guest_1300077)
December 15, 2021 12:46

When did you apply?
What did you use for DD, and when?
Did you use an OOS address?

P.s. sorry for all the questions, but I’m trying to find out if I have a chance

Justmeha (@guest_1303199)
December 21, 2021 10:27
anon (@guest_1379741)
May 11, 2022 19:42

Applied 10/12/21
Used real direct deposit from job
In state address
Credit hit on 12/07/21

Lisa K
Lisa K (@guest_1267032)
October 14, 2021 16:02

Just opened online without problems (I live in Maine), funded with my Fidelity visa. Any data points? I’m going to try a Fidelity push, seems to work most of the time.

Lisa K
Lisa K (@guest_1272442)
October 25, 2021 15:01

Just an FYI, after nearly 2 weeks I was still having issues getting the account opened and set up for use. Called and told them to close it. The myriad of incompetence I faced on their customer service end did not fill me with confidence in getting my bonus when it was time.

Doug (@guest_1264975)
October 10, 2021 19:36

Accepted OOS online from CT.

Justmeha (@guest_1268710)
October 18, 2021 18:29

It seems that the ME, NH address might be a requirement for the bonus and not in order to be eligible for an account. ( Just based on the fact that it is part of the terms and conditions of the bonus, and not in the eligibility requirements for opening an account)

I am in no way certain of this, but it does seem possible and I can definitely see this being an issue if the bonus does not post by itself.

Justmeha (@guest_1296082)
December 7, 2021 16:44

Doug did you get the bonus?

Doug (@guest_1296093)
December 7, 2021 16:52

Justmeha Not yet, but I’ll probably wait until 3 months before I give up.

Justmeha (@guest_1296094)
December 7, 2021 16:54

What did you use as a DD?

Ro (@guest_1361420)
April 10, 2022 13:27

Did you end up getting the bonus?

KM (@guest_1264479)
October 9, 2021 09:42

Once you get the bonus, can you downgrade from Premier to Access checking so you don’t need to keep $2500 in the account to avoid the monthly fee?

Mark (@guest_1263253)
October 7, 2021 10:23

Funded 500 with CSP, coded as sale

Justmeha (@guest_1296084)
December 7, 2021 16:45

Mark Did you get the bonus? And what did you use to trigger the direct deposit?

Sexy_kitten7 (@guest_1260346)
October 1, 2021 13:04

Dec chex 🙁