The Offer
- Meijer Mperks is offering the following discount: $10 off $100+ off Mastercard gift cards
The Fine Print
- Valid until April 15th, 2017
Our Verdict
They sell in denominations of $200, so this is a nice profitable deal if you use a card that earns at a high rate on grocery store purchases. Limit of one is annoying and you can only really get around that with multiple mperks accounts (e.g partners)
Hat tip to Amy
I tried to drain these at the USPS today (same as the OF/OM deals from last week) but was declined at 2 different locations. Anyone else having an issue? How is everyone draining these?
I’ve bought MO’s at Meijers with no issue. My experience is that Visa cards are easier done at Walmart and MC cards are best at Meijers.
If you have bought $100 Meijer GC’s on Ebay for $94 you can use those to pay for this and get an even better discount!
A couple of data points for you. First, unless I am misreading, or my store is totally unique, I was able to find a 100$ master card that worked for me last night. I am not in the MS game at all, and do not really understand it, so there may be reasons all of you are doing the 500$ one, but I thought I would throw that out there that there are 100$ cards available.
Second, and more strangely, I had an odd experience last night. To back up, last time Meijer had this deal, I had no issues with buying one gift card and then turning right around , using my wifes mPerks and paying for the second gift card with the first gift card. Well, last night, when I went to ring up the first gift card, the person at customer service said you cannot use gift cards to pay for this, even before I tried to do that. I played dumb and used a 20)$ amex gift card I had gotten from Amex using their last deal. She looked at her computer screen funny and said , I will be right back, and goes and gets a manager. The manager comes out and says “you cannot pay for gift cards with other gift cards, you need to use cash or credit card.” So I said ok. Then the cashier hits a button, it prompts me to sign, and it worked (using the amex gift card). The second card I rang up with my amex blue normal credit card, and that went through fine.
So long story short, I left there feeling like I did something wrong and/or they are changing their policies on gift cards or something. Very strange experience!
You buy the $500 because if it more spend – especially with 5x freedom and the fee is only $1 more then a $100 card.
Most will not let you buy a gift card with a gift card even if it works. If you can get buy unseen you can do it but you would be better off buying it with a card that gets 5 or 6% back.
My wife and I both did this deal tonight with Freedom. I had previously done a test and it coded as Grocery at our location. She bought the $500 variable load MC (with a few groceries) and I did one for $49X to make the transactions different. The $10 came off for each of us (2 diff mPerks accounts) and the fee was only $5.95 for these cards. Great MS Deal!
Not stackable but, somewhat unrelated… new Mperks members may get a 5% off coupon in their account when signing up. Amex is also offering $5 off $5, up to 3 times, in amex offers section at Meijers. Not everyone is seeing it in their Offers section.
FYi if you use this one it may load again a day or two later so you can do it again. Has happened for me with these MCGC deals at Meijer before.
For me as well.
that’s great to know!..thanks guys!
Has it reloaded for you?
It hasn’t for me this time.
It took me a bit of searching in my Mperks account, but I found the offer under the “Coupons” tab by searching on “Mastercard.”
I just logged in ,clicked coupons on top and “Gift Card” on the left hand side where it shows categories and it was right there.
You’re right, Dee! I was looking under “Special Offers” when I should have looked under “Gift Cards.”
There are two stores in my city just up the road from the suburbs which have historically coded as grocery. I will be purchasing MC gift cards with Chase Freedom and hope it codes as grocery. These stores also sell variable loads up to $500 which I always purchase at the self check out. Then go directly to customer service to purchase money order.
Thanks for the tip! Just bought 2 $500 cards using separate mperks accounts. Great leverage: $5.95 card fee vs $10 coupon plus $30 Amex Blue Cash preferred rewards for each card.
Hope they reload the $10 coupon so I can do it again.
The Meijer stores in the Chicago suburbs are not coded as groceries stores.
What do they code as, same as target/Wally?
They are coded as supermarkets.
AmEx Blue Cash Everyday can get you 3% or 6% depend on version of Ann Fee/No Fee.
You are correct.
Visa supplier locator identifies Meijer as:
BTW, Anybody have tried auto drain prepaid card for buying another prepaid card of higher denomination?
I did do this once, maybe twice, with either the previous such deal or the deal before that–but mine were even-denomination swaps of cards purchased at a discount to get an even greater discount. Had no problems doing it.