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Ben (@guest_2014433)
March 1, 2025 11:35

Admins, could you remove this from “Best Bank Bonuses,” since it’s expired? Thanks a lot!

Josiah (@guest_1900691)
August 27, 2024 20:21

What county is everyone selecting? I live in the state of Iowa, but my county is not listed.

Jon (@guest_1900327)
August 27, 2024 14:01

In the fine print “Any person with more than 5 ChexSystems inquiries will not qualify for this promotion”

wilsonhammer (@guest_1903134)
August 31, 2024 19:18

honestly, it’s nice that they just give a limit explicitly instead of making us guess

MikeSauce (@guest_1899631)
August 26, 2024 13:40

These guys are chex sensitive just an fyi.

msturg29 (@guest_1899505)
August 26, 2024 10:06

Denied due to Chex. Stated as “Account Abuse”.
Currently at 8/24.

Burton (@guest_1900153)
August 27, 2024 11:05

msturg29 I’m in a similar situation but have less than 5/12. Do you know if they measure over 24 mo? What is your /12?

TonyBank (@guest_1898792)
August 24, 2024 16:50

Deal is back through 8-31-24, $290 for doing the same 3 requirements. Still has the 5 Chex inquiry limit so I’m not going to bother trying it myself.

Adam T
Adam T (@guest_1644542)
June 30, 2023 09:08

Here is how this one went for me:

March 6th: Opened Account
March 24th: Direct Deposit of paycheck of $900
May 24th: Qualification period passed, no bonus deposited
May 31st: Reached out to Customer Service via internal banking website support
June 2nd: Still hadnt received a reply from their customer service department at all. They still hadnt posted the bonus (now over a week late) and were ignorning my customer service requests. Submitted a CFPB complaint.
June 20th: CFPB referred the complaint to Office of the Comptroller
June 29th: Bonus shows up in my account with still no contact from the Bank themselves.

Took a bit of extra work and had to submit a complaint to get them to honor their own terms, so wouldnt recommend this bank (even for normal banking purposes).

wilsonhammer (@guest_1691634)
September 12, 2023 11:57

What was your Chex when you applied? Was it over 5?

OST (@guest_1570483)
March 6, 2023 23:56

any recent dps for OOS in 2023?

stammers95 (@guest_1586208)
March 27, 2023 21:44

FYI, even though you are able to open account online, during the application process it states you need to live or work in the listed counties, so OOS applications wont work.

wilsonhammer (@guest_1566340)
March 1, 2023 11:56

new deadline is October 31, 2023

lochquel (@guest_1288589)
November 24, 2021 17:49

Man, I’m surprised these guys don’t balance the books with an abacus still. Had to call a specific person back to get the account owner verbally verified for setup – not amused that they then played the out-of-office game by returning a call on 4:29 on a Thursday and then being out of the office that Friday. Took until Wednesday of the following week after corresponding with another banker that there was still interest in opening an account. Lo and behold that Wednesday is before the day before Thanksgiving and at 4:15 pm the account was set up. Not fully though, as they needed to verify funding bank account with 2 small deposits that who knows when they’ll send and can be almost certain nothing will be done with the account on a Black Friday.

This good ol’ banker attitude in 2021 is pathetic. What a joke.