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Adam T
Adam T (@guest_1665528)
August 3, 2023 13:27

I think they may have bait and switched on this one.

I applied on July 30th for this one, and they took until today 8/3 to “approve” my account.

So the question then becomes, are they going to consider my account opening date as AFTER the promotion ended, or should they be required to honor based on my “application date”.

Putting the bonus up on 7/30 and then pulling it on 7/31 or 8/1 is definitely intentional. Get a bunch of sign ups and then not honor the offer.
This CU should probably be blacklisted on DOC.

Adam T
Adam T (@guest_1665668)
August 3, 2023 16:49

Just to update this post.
I contacted them, and they did exactly what I wrote above.

They said even though I put in my application on July 30th, because THEY took until August 3rd to open my account, I dont qualify.

Obviously I’ll just be closing the account and withdrawing my money from them.

Just a future warning to anyone trying to open an account with these guys, they are shady.

Lochquel (@guest_1666665)
August 5, 2023 11:21

CFPB them; they have to play by the rules that they set. At the very least, they’ll have to immediately answer the Feds for this behavior.

Brett (@guest_1663288)
July 31, 2023 15:19

No mention of the bonus on the website?

Lochquel (@guest_1663384)
July 31, 2023 17:32

Could have swore it was there 7/30/23

Carlos (@guest_1663467)
July 31, 2023 19:57

It definitely had a $300 offer earlier

MikeSauce (@guest_1662694)
July 30, 2023 15:13


Cate the MSer
Cate the MSer (@guest_1662721)
July 30, 2023 16:34

no one cares.

Stowe (@guest_1662692)
July 30, 2023 15:07

Our service area includes all of Becker, Cass, Crow Wing, Douglas, Morrison, Norman, Otter Tail, Todd, and Wadena counties.

Also included are the cities of Aitkin, McGregor, and Palisade and select townships in Aitkin County*. If you live, work, worship or attend school in any of the regions listed (or are an immediate family member of someone who does) you are eligible for MMFCU membership. Immediate family includes spouse, parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, grandparents, grandchild, brother, stepbrother, sister or stepsister.

*Currently, the included townships of Aitkin County include Aitkin, Farm Island, Fleming, Glen, Hazelton, Jeven, Kimberly, Lakeside, Logan, Malmo, McGregor, Morrison, Nordland, Shamrock, Spencer, Turner, Wealthwood, and Workman Townships.

kira (@guest_1662613)
July 30, 2023 11:42