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josh (@guest_1901958)
August 29, 2024 18:17

DP : Apparently inquiry sensitive? Applied for this and comfortably within footprint. A few days after submitting my application in branch, I was called and was questioned about why there are so many inquiries on my credit profile. I said I got married recently and have new credit cards to help with spending/budgeting with my wife. About 3 days after that the branch manager called me back and said “sorry we can’t approve you, the amount of inquires on your credit profile is really concerning”. Lol yeah man idk, seems like a bust if you’re inquires are hot. For those who care, I’m 4/24 but my total inquires they pulled was 9 due to biz applications.

Brian (@guest_1884679)
July 30, 2024 14:19

Get an additional $50 by using my referLive link. Bonuses are stackable. Email me if interested at [email protected]

BankBonusIsMyReligion (@guest_1878063)
July 19, 2024 18:14

U.S. Bank Business savings i believe can be funded with up to 3k in CC funding.

This $250 SUB is not too shabby and can be wiped out in 1 transaction if anyone is approved and looking for ideas.

I’m already running the M&T Biz 15k for $500 promo. Seems i should be priority for getting approved.

I would also recommend the branch as your chances further improves for getting both products as new clients.

W (@guest_1878452)
July 20, 2024 09:14

The branch has absolutely zero say or sway in getting loan products approved.

BankBonusIsMyReligion (@guest_1878510)
July 20, 2024 10:23

usually when you’re “in the system” with M&T’s other products, it has a positive impact on getting approved for further applications that you may consider.

Similar to U.S. Bank. If you have no previous built up relationship with the institution, you’re SOL.

W (@guest_1878641)
July 20, 2024 13:31

I’ve been with them for almost 15 years and have had the exact opposite experience.

Alexi🔗 (@guest_1877904)
July 19, 2024 15:12

If you have to go to the branch, you may want to open the business checking account as well if you don’t have one. It could be an extra $300-1,500 bonus.