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ShawntheShawn👈🏾 (@guest_2031995)
March 26, 2025 18:33

Extended to 05/31/25

DrDeals (@guest_2032883)
March 27, 2025 13:32

Quick question. If I funded the checking with $100 via CC when I opened, do I only need to deposit an additional $400 for this month to satisfy the $500 requirement? Or do all $500 need to come from ACH?

ShawntheShawn👈🏾 (@guest_2033223)
March 27, 2025 19:55

It just says “$500 in accumulated deposits during the month.” So I think you will only need to deposit additional $400. And no, you do not need to hold the $500 in your checking account, as it is not a net deposit requirement, and you should be allowed to spend the money in your checking account.

DrDeals (@guest_2032888)
March 27, 2025 13:35

Also, do I need to hold the $500 there after deposit?

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
March 27, 2025 20:13

No, but just don’t zero it. Never zero balance an account when waiting on a bonus. Mine & P2’s checking is anywhere from $1-$50 right now while waiting on the bonus(es). Leaving the savings at $5K for now too, as it earns 5% APY. DrDeals

dylan (@guest_2031673)
March 26, 2025 12:22

they want an electric or heating bill with your name on it. which anyone who rents isn’t gonna have…

and a paystub, which rules out anyone self-employed too

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
March 26, 2025 21:46

Your results were not typical. Usually banks/CU’s will only ask for utility bills if your D/L info or credit report info doesn’t match your current mailing address.

You could ask if you can substitute your “paystub” for a bank statement or something else. GL!

DrDeals (@guest_2030010)
March 24, 2025 12:29

In theory, for the checking bonus, I should just be able to put in $100, enroll in e-statements etc, and pull it back out? That’s how I read the language.

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
March 24, 2025 20:22

Why not just move it over to the Savings and earn 5% APY? Leave like $1 in the checking so they don’t close it. DrDeals

Maya (@guest_2029750)
March 24, 2025 02:44

The $500 per month deposit to the checking for the 4% rate doesn’t need to be maintained in the checking, correct? Also the $5000 balance for the savings doesn’t need to be new money? So I guess I can ACH $500 into the checking and then transfer it into the savings and that would count towards the $5000?

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
March 24, 2025 02:50
  1. Correct.
  2. Correct.

Explanation: IME, the savings bonus paid out early without being new money. The checking has no holding requirement (but yet to payout).

Maya (@guest_2029754)
March 24, 2025 03:20

Good to know! Thank you!

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
March 21, 2025 00:19

My P2’s $100 Savings Bonus hit the CCCU account yesterday.

02/17/2025 Opening Dep $400 (CC funding Citi Double Cash purchase of $500 split chk/sav)
02/27/2025 Balance requirement met ($5,001.00 thru various pushes into Savings)
02/28/2025 Deposit Dividend Earned 5.01% APY 02/17/25 to 02/28/25
03/19/2025 Deposit Promo Bonus $100.00

$100 Checking Bonus should be next month.

02/17/2025 Opening Dep $100
02/25/2025 Withdrawal Bill Payment / VERIZON BILL PAYMENT -$1.00 (proving debit card activation)
02/26/2025 Deposit $501.00
02/28/2025 Deposit Dividend Earned 4.22% APY 02/17/25 to 02/28/25
(future dated)
03/26/2025 Deposit $501.00?
04/18/2025 Day 60 Bonus?

Technically the bonus requirements do not require the $500 checking deposits, but us overthinkers are trying to avoid any issues because the emailed terms implied you needed to complete the high APY checking qualifications of depositing $500 monthly & debit card activation.

 William Charles Title “Must Be A Member of A Christian Ministry” can be removed. Nobody I know of is being hassled for letters or declarations of faith. The application allows for nationwide eligibility using the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) option without any pushback. Stacked with a $50 referral, which also should payout at around day 60 (plus 2-3 weeks processing?), and easy requirements, it’s not a bad bonus at all.

Summer (@guest_2027742)
March 20, 2025 23:44

I’m strongly atheist but also like free money so I opened it 🙂

ShawntheShawn👈🏾 (@guest_2026768)
March 19, 2025 18:47

02/16/25: account approved.
02/28/25: savings account reached $5K and kept the money there for 5% APY.
03/19/25: $100 bonus for savings posted.

Haven’t received the $100 bonus for the checking yet, but I did $500 in ACH deposits to it each month.

Drew$$ (@guest_2027104)
March 20, 2025 09:25

Same here. Got the savings bonus but no checking bonus yet.

Bedu (@guest_2027278)
March 20, 2025 12:53

Checking should be after 60 days based on the offer page

“*Special bonus offers will be deposited after 60 days for Harvest Checking and 30 days for Harvest Savings once approval of membership eligibility and product requirements have been met.”

David (@guest_2027282)
March 20, 2025 12:59

Also got the $100 savings bonus. No checking bonus yet.

Jack (@guest_2028622)
March 22, 2025 00:31

Thank you Shawn. So you’re not worried that they would take your 5k and turn it into 2 fishes and 5 cookies ShawntheShawn👈🏾

ShawntheShawn👈🏾 (@guest_2028805)
March 22, 2025 11:46

Ha-ha, I am not worried about that.

DrDeals (@guest_2029805)
March 24, 2025 07:31

I’m confused why you did $500 in ACH deposits each month? According to the language, shouldn’t it just be $500 total: “$500 in accumulated deposits during the month”.

Also, did you close the savings after you were done to avoid the monthly fee?

Bedu (@guest_2030453)
March 24, 2025 20:43

Checking bonus pays out in 60 days per terms. It’s unclear if $500 ACH deposit is needed for the bonus, so it’s safer to just do $500 deposit per month.

You forfeit bonus if you close before 6 months. Up to you if you wanna risk getting clawback

ShawntheShawn👈🏾 (@guest_2030529)
March 24, 2025 23:20

They conflated the 4% APY requirements and the bonus requirements for the Checking, see earlier discussions here. I am doing $500 ACH deposit each month to be on the safe side, as Bedu said.

favo🔗 (@guest_2025252)
March 18, 2025 09:28

DP: Registered via Referlive link, then applied through the bank’s offer page. Selected both checking and savings account. The application asked for phone number then pre-filled a lot of information. Entered the promo code on the “edit main applicant” page. Funded $100 for checking and $400 for savings. Submitted and received the “We will contact you within the next business day” message, however received email saying the account was opened immediately. Enrolled in online banking with the member number from the email, and created a separate account for e-statement after logging in. $500 cc funding with BOA card went pending as purchase.

Jon (@guest_2022856)
March 14, 2025 12:15

Anyone knows how long you have to keep the $5000 in the savings account for?

ShawntheShawn👈🏾 (@guest_2023124)
March 14, 2025 17:57

No holding time for the $5000 is specified in the terms. However, it is best to keep it in your account earning 5% APY before you get paid because of this DP: #2006783 .

Drew (@guest_2020849)
March 11, 2025 16:20

Not related to this bonus but for CC funding with them. CD funding seems to not work with any real velocity. I opened an account with them in June. Funded $500 via CC. Did one CD a month and until October when I got a call saying they would let it go through this once but it is meant only for establishing accounts and I would get denied going forward if I use a CC. Waited until yesterday to try again and got a call back from the same person that my transaction would be refunded and that they notified me previously that they don’t do CC funding after setting up an account. Seems like they keep good records on this as she even said the date she called me about it. Amen