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CJ (@guest_399803)
May 2, 2017 21:28

I was just targeted for 40k points as well.

Jeremy (@guest_399597)
May 2, 2017 16:19

I got targeted for 40K. Are they still offering 4x at wholesale until 12/31?

jp (@guest_311794)
November 3, 2016 09:00

Doc, I failed to save the T/C when applying for this Navy Flagship CC which took a while because of opening checking acct issues, it was finally approved on 10/30. I just found out that I was charged $49 fee. Do you or anyone happen to have the T/C that can be shared because it is no longer available at the NFCU site?

Thank you much!!!

Matt P
Matt P (@guest_307025)
October 17, 2016 00:57

I’m always leary of MSing on cards where I bank, but the terms here only say you can’t get rewards for buying Navy Fed cash equivalents, so it looks like other VCG’s are fair game.

Roman (@guest_306977)
October 16, 2016 20:19

“Airline Tickets
17.Visa Signature Flagship Cardholders may start redeeming at 100
points for travel-related rewards.
Sample Rewards:
• 15,000 points for $150 round-trip airline ticket
• 30,000 points for $300 round-trip airline ticket
• 50,000 points for $500 round-trip airline ticket”

So it is not $100 increments, it is 100 points=$1
For cash back – yes $100, but lower coefficient:

“Cash-Back Rewards
19. Flagship cardholders can redeem for $100 cash back at
13,245 points at the lowest level and can continue to redeem
in increments of $100 cash back and 13,245 points to a max
of $1,500 in cash back with 198,675 points.”