The Offer
- Existing users of Nest Aware Plus can cancel their existing plans and get offered 50% off to keep it ($150 to $75)
Our Verdict
Normally these sorts of discounts are YMMV, but seems to be working for everybody (or at least most people).
Hat tip to SD
Worked! $75 off at my renewal next June.
This stuff never works for me
Just saw on reddit that they are also doing a discount for cancelling YoutubeTV – I got $63.99 for next 5 months instead of the base $72.99. Same deal, start cancellation, then got an offer.
Was on nest aware plan. did not work
Didnt work for me. Possibly dead
Didnt work for me.
Didn’ work for me – just let me cancel.
Thanks. For the record, I didn’t have to actually cancel or complete the cancellation process….when I carried out via the google link below.
I clicked cancel and it offered the 50% off. I accepted and it updated my details to show the next billing event as $75 instead of $150. Thanks
William Charles
Nest Aware Plus
$150/year$75/yearafter discount
Thanks! $40 instead of $60!
Worked for me, $150 to $75. Just wish my annual renewal for 2024 wasn’t 2 days ago lolz