Looks like another set of American Express authorized user bonuses have been sent out (previous posts here & here). If you have received an offer not listed below then please let us know in the comments. This new batch of offers expires on the February 3rd, 2018.
The Offers
Blue Cash Preferred
Hat tip to reader Edward
- Add an authorized user and receive $15 points when they spend $150+. Can add a total of 4 authorized users for a maximum of $100.
Premier Rewards Gold
Hat tip to srikrishnap. This direct link might work
- Add an authorized user and earn 5,000 bonus points when they spend $500+. Can add a total of four authorized users for a maximum of 20,000 points.
What You Should Know
- If you aren’t targeted, call American Express to see if they can add the offer to your account. This is usually possible. At the moment the direct links don’t seem to be working either, so calling in regardless of whether you received an e-mail or not seems like it’s required.
- SSN is not required when you add an authorized user, but you need to provide one within 60 days of account opening (people have been denied the bonus in the past for not providing this in time)
- American Express authorized user accounts do count towards your Chase 5/24 status/total.
No, you can be added as an authorized and then sign up for the card as the primary cardholder and still receive the sign up bonus.
Who needs to spend the money to trigger the bonus?
Authorized user needs to complete the spend requirement. Keep in mind authorized users have their own unique card number so this is easy to track. It’s highly unlikely that spend completed by the primary cardholder will trigger the bonus.
Our Verdict
Please share any other offers you received in the comments, along with any direct login links if you have them available.
It seems a new round of add-authorized-user-and-spend bonuses was sent to people on PRG and Platinum. Will William Charles , do you consider creating a new dedicated post? The expiration date of the promotion is April 28, 2018.
@DoC, an update on my saga with Amex AU bonus not posting when the card was added all at once (see previous thread on AU). Completed the terms in Aug 2017. Filed a complaint in Oct. After repeated calls and chat- finally the Amex gods listened and added the missing 3 AU bonus today.
Glad to hear it.
I was offered 5k bonus x4 for each AU I added to my PRG card via chat. Was using the chat to get the$15/$30 Sam’s Club Amex offer to credit on my Amex Delta Platinum & the CSR made the offer to me unsolicited. Just opened the PRG card 12/2017
Want to make my kid an authorized user to build credit. Will this show up on his credit report?
Yes, doing the same thing for my kid. As long as you give the DOB & SSN & the kid is 15+ they should report.
Dp: I have an Amex Plat and called in to see if I was eligible for the 5k Bonus on adding an AU. Was told I was.
I saw an invitation on Amex Offers, added 4 new family members on my Blue Cash Everyday and they all spent the required $250 within 1st three months.
However I only received only 1 $25 bonus. Chatting to Amex CS resulted in the rep opening an investigation.
3 weeks later and no sign of it.
So, it’s not that painless.
I expect to spend more time talking to them and getting them to fulfill the promise.
My wife just called and was able to add me as AU on her PRG. She got a confirmation number as a reference that the 5,000 bonus points will be applied after I spend $500.
I had the offer / email about adding AU to my personal Platinum. My mistake was when I went to sign up for an AU, I can see the T/C talking about 5k after 500 on the right side. I only added 1 AU at that time. When I came back an hour later to add 3 more, the T/C was not there. I had a bad feeling about that.
After I completed all 4 x 500 spend, I only received 1 x 5000mr bonus. I have to wait 6-8weeks until I can request an investigation.
So my recommendation, when you go to add AU, and you see the T/C about the bonus, make sure to add all 4 at once.
Would you be able to share the add-additional-user-offer link or email?
Look forward to your response. Thanks!
I won’t trust them. When they first roll out this promotion, I added 4 AUs and complete spent on 2 AUs since some guy report they’re not paying out the bonus. Well, that true. Opened a case for them, 10 weeks has been passed and every time I chat with them, they’re just repeating: we’re investigating.
Live chatted Amex on a separate matter (for my plat actually)
As we ended, the rep said he was able to offer me an AU offer of $25 from $250 spend on my Blue Cash (I have the regular version). He also said I would be able to add 4 users and therefore get the offer 4 times.
He sent the consent forms over a secured channel in the chat. (had to do it 4 times individually). But, each form was super easy, only need name, birthdate — SSN is optional.
Same here, my sister got the $25 off $250 for Blue and another 6000MR off $150 for Amex Everyday. I forget the exact amount of bonus for the Everyday, off the top of my head I think it was 6000MR (I copied the detailed terms text but it only lists the spending requirement, not the bonus amount).