[Expired] New Chase Southwest Offers – 30,000 Points + Companion Pass (Good Through 2019)

Bonus has expired and is no longer being offered, view more credit card bonuses here.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Chase is offering new sign up bonuses on the personal versions of the Southwest card. Bonus is as follows 30,000 points + companion pass good through December 31st, 2019

Card Details

  • Chase 5/24 rule does apply to this card
  • Annual fees are not waived the first year
  • The Premier personal card earn a 6,000 points anniversary bonus; the Plus earns 3,000 points anniversary bonus; the Priority earns 7,500 anniversary bonus

Our Verdict

Normally the companion pass requires earning 110,000 points in a calendar year. The upside is that normally after earning those 110,000 points you get the companion pass for the rest of the remaining calendar year and the following calendar year. You can still get a sign up bonus of 60,000 points on these Southwest cards via referrals and it might still be possible to get 50,000 points after $2,000 in spend (yet to be confirmed). Personally I don’t think this new offer is that strong, if you can apply for two Southwest cards under the other offers you’ll either have enough Southwest points for a companion pass or almost enough. This is better in two ways:

  • You’d get the pass for most of 2019 and all of 2020
  • You’d end up with ~110,000 points to actually use on Southwest flights for you and your companion

I guess if you only have one 5/24 slot and can’t get approved for a business card and desperately want a companion pass then this is a good offer, otherwise I actually think it’s quite weak. This is a masterstroke of marketing though, I can already see the crazy headlines and card salesmen pushing this offer heavily. Keep in mind with this offer you’ll only have 30,000 Southwest points to play with.  If you’re not familiar with the companion pass, read this post first. As always if you have questions about Chase, read this post before asking them in the comments.

Hat tip to redblue949

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Jacob Lenihan
Jacob Lenihan (@guest_706054)
January 14, 2019 20:02

Anyone know if the minimum spend requirement to get the companion pass can be satisfied by purchasing southwest gift cards?

IE my thought process is: purchase $4k of southwest gift cards, earn companion pass plus 30k RR points plus 2 RR points per dollar (an additional 8K RR points), then book subsequent travel using the gift cards that I had just purchased.


Ross (@guest_705814)
January 14, 2019 13:22

I have the companion pass through 2019 (my wife is my companion). If my wife signs up for this card and earns companion pass she could name our child. Could I book a flight, add my wife as my companion and then have her add our child as her companion? Essentially could we pay for my flight and then leverage that into 2 companion tickets? Thanks!

Ross (@guest_710077)
January 22, 2019 12:52

Let me try to rephrase my question. My wife and I both have companion passes separately (So our family has 2 companion passes). Could I buy my flight with points, add my wife as my companion and then could she use her ticket (which I bought her as my companion) and her separate companion pass (which she also earned) to add our child as the companion on HER companion ticket? I’ll write it out below.

Me- Wife is my companion pass companion; Buy a ticket and add my wife
Wife- Child is her companion pass companion; She has a ticket since I added her; Use companion pass to add child to reservation

Effectively I would pay for my flight with points and the other 2 would ride on the same reservation as companions. I hope this clarifies some. Thanks!

Jessica (@guest_705713)
January 14, 2019 10:51

Sort of off topic, is there ANY way to get your bonus to post prior to the statement close? My original statement closed January 28, and I stupidly didn’t ask for it to be moved up until Dec 31. I asked for 10th of the month, and now it’s closing February 10. I have a trip on January 26-29 I wanted to add a companion to. I’ve SM’d, called, all to no avail. I have just booked the other flight so as not to pay heavily as we near the date, but I’d love to get those points posted.

Spending has been met. Would paying off the card possibly trigger the posting of points or am I out of luck? Obviously I’m happy to still have 23 months of companion pass (didn’t use this offer but the more “regular” way) but I didn’t even think about needing it so soon in the year until it was too late.

dood (@guest_704493)
January 11, 2019 13:14

So, we are all pretty sure that if you eventually hitt 100K sometime in 2019, you’ll get the comp pass for 2020 too, right? So basically, assuming the 40K for 4K spend offer is still available somewhere, this offer with cost you and extra 10K in MS in exchange for getting the companion pass a bit earlier. Somewhat tempting.

Sheryl (@guest_704369)
January 11, 2019 09:45

Do balance transfers from other cards count in the $4K you have to spend in the first three months?

Sheryl (@guest_704359)
January 11, 2019 09:26

Do balance transfers from another card count in the $4000 you have to spend in the first three months?

January 11, 2019 10:21

You have to spend.

Redacted (@guest_704061)
January 10, 2019 18:26

Can I get a referral bonus by referring a friend to this offer?

(I have the SW Business and Personal cards)

Jeff (@guest_704010)
January 10, 2019 17:13

I have the Premier card and bonus was earned 3 years ago. Any thoughts on whether or not I can cancel Premier and apply for a Priority and be ok? How long do folks suggest waiting between cancellation and a new application to be clear of the “existing cardholder” clause?

Cohagan (@guest_703979)
January 10, 2019 16:30

Do you get the Companion Pass as soon as approved or only after hitting the spending requirement? If the latter it could be 2-3 months (or more) lost.

Then factor in the decreased bonus and the loss of the 2nd year for the Companion Pass… pretty lukewarm deal

Vic (@guest_703977)
January 10, 2019 16:29

This comes with 30k poimts and CP till 2019. So I can get SW Biz card later this year, spend $20k over the year and get CP till end of 2020? Or not?

vipul (@guest_704132)
January 10, 2019 20:33
