Update 11/23/23: $200 for $180 at this link. Limit 2.
The Offer
- Newegg.com is selling $100 Instacart e-gift cards for $90.
Our Verdict
Nice savings for Instacart. Can try going through a portal and see if they credit for gift card purchases.
Deal History:
- Update 11/21/23: Deal is back. Limit 2.
- Update 11/10/23: Deal is back. Limit 2.
- Update 11/2/23: Deal is back. Limit 2.
- Update 5/8/23: Deal is back. Today only.
Instacart baby! 🥕 🥕 😍
There is also a 2% Amex offer but not sure newegg sell gift cards directly or it’s charged thru a vendor.
Can verify it works. Previously used for IC GC on business gold and got the 2%. Also it’s known it codes as 4x for electronic goods retailers.
this company is going bankrupt gotta spend these fast
Lmao…. Instacart just went IPO. Their stocks are publicly traded
You stay behind bars, SBF
Unless you’re Sam Altman…. then I have empathy for you.
I hope that your next gig would be better
You’re an idiot right, public doesn’t mean unlimited funding. Enjoy being a wework bag holder
Yeah ignore him, I think he works for that company or something. Whatever happened to WeWork that also went IPO?
Ignore you Jason. You’re using a throw-away account with only 1 comment count.
Instacart’s financial statements will become publicly available once they go public. you can decide yourself
Sold out
It’s all in my wallets now. Thanks
Instacart just went IPO. These gift cards could last a little longer now!
Tried to order more with P2’s account — cancelled for trying to exceed the limits. Why would they be so strict? 🙂
Still around.
you need to stack crazy offers to have MM for this.
Should earn 4x points on Amex Biz Gold.
No $25 credit? E.g. Staples, office depot only?
Instacart should let you split the payment with credit card and gift cards! I am finding it hard to use gift cards as I am trying to use my chase (5 cards) quarterly credits first.
I understand. What I have done is to use GC in smaller denominations and the chase card for the overages. Works out nicely in the end.
Also if you have that many quarterly credits, highly recommend shuttling Instacart+ between them–if you use the service often–even just 2x that month–it pays for itself.
Or higher. But you buy three different months of Instacart Plus on your Chases and then you have all the more reason to burn large GC.
Same. The struggle is real…