NEXUS Now Being Triggered By Capital One/American Express Global Entry Credit

It looks like NEXUS is now triggering both the Capital One and American Express $120 Global Entry credit that is available on some cards. This is likely due to the fact that Global Entry now costs $120 as well. For those not familiar NEXUS is available to Canadian and American residents and is jointly U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). It allows access to NEXUS kiosks when entering Canada by air and Global Entry kiosks when entering the United States as well as TSA PreCheck lines. Interestingly upgrading Global Entry to Nexus (costing $42) doesn’t seem to trigger the credit.

There is no guarantee this will last as the terms don’t allow for this.


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Dave (@guest_1989096)
January 21, 2025 10:29

DP: SENTRI triggered the 120$ credit from Chase CSR, received within a week.

Timofee (@guest_1986271)
January 16, 2025 09:38

Just signed up for Nexus with Bank of America Premium Rewards card on 1/15. $120 charge by “USCUSTOMS TRUSTED TRAVELER” is pending right now. I’ll provide an update when I have one.

Timofee (@guest_1993437)
January 29, 2025 11:11

$100 credit posted on 1/24 “Airport Security Credit Thank You 00”

Note that $100 was removed from the tracker for $4000 signup bonus spending requirement.

Alex the Churner
Alex the Churner (@guest_1984783)
January 14, 2025 03:14

Does anyone know if no fee credit cards* trigger global entry credit as well?

Fidelity Rewards Visa Signature Credit Card
US Bank Altitude Connect
PenFed Pathfinder Rewards

sdsearch (@guest_1984868)
January 14, 2025 10:18

It was a bit confusing to figure out. Most sites out there that list the cards list another US Bank card but not that one.

TSA itself has a list which seems to list 2 of the 3 cards you listed, but as PreCheck qualifying, not Global Entry qualifying necessarily.:

So you have to go to the bank’s own site to verify what they do and don’t cover.

And then, if you look at the banks’ own sites, there’s a difference:

US Bank (for both the AF and non AF) card still claims it’s only a $100 credit, but hopefully (but not certainly) that just hasn’t been updated.

PenFed does mention that it’s up to $120 credit, matching what the max cost can be.

And like a lot of banks, these banks don’t yet mention NEXUS, so it’s not clear whether they’d give the same credit for NEXUS as for Global Entry. FYI: NEXUS includes Global Entry, but adds the equivalent when returning from Canada. For years, it was $50 and thus much lower cost than Global Entry yet included it, but required (and still does require) going to a NEXUS Enrollment Center near the US-Canada boarder to apply for it. But now, since costs went up to $120, NEXUS and Global Entry are the exact same cost.

Rfclub (@guest_1984530)
January 13, 2025 17:37

Does anyone get reimbursed for APAC Business Travel Card from any bank?

Autumn (@guest_1984330)
January 13, 2025 14:16

I already have Global Entry. Does Nexus just allow you to use the automated gates when you arrive to a big Canadian airport? I had never heard of it before until today.

ramcm7 (@guest_1984414)
January 13, 2025 15:25

NEXUS gives you access to the NEXUS expedited lanes entering Canada from the US via air. It also gives you access to the NEXUS driving lane entering Canada. Call ahead for expedited marine entry with NEXUS. Already get expedited driving lane from Canada into US for GE holders for those unaware. For car crossings, all occupants must have qualified use of lane via NEXUS into Canada or NEXUS/GE/SENTRI into US.

wilsonhammer (@guest_1984455)
January 13, 2025 16:13

Seems like Nexus gives you global entry and pre check, plus faster entry into Canada. Best bet if you can get it comped

Autumn (@guest_1984460)
January 13, 2025 16:22

that’s cool. I’ve had issues with invasive questions by Canadian immigration before. Does Canada have automated gates like Singapore or U.S citizens returning back? I prefer using automated gates these dates. I hate all the invasive, sometimes demeaning questions that immigration likes to ask especially in U.S and Canada

wilsonhammer (@guest_1984462)
January 13, 2025 16:25

Sammmmme. I’m a US citizen, but I frickin hated the reentry process before GE. Always felt like I was being treated like a criminal just for wanting to come home.

No idea about Canada’s entry process tho (Nexus or otherwise). Haven’t been since 2014 and that was a land crossing

Autumn (@guest_1984463)
January 13, 2025 16:26

exactly! probably only frequent travelers would know how bad it is. Being asked 20 questions about everything in your life, and like you said being treated like a criminal.. it’s ridiculous. The last 2x I came back to the U.S.. just used the automated gates with Global Entry and all of those invasive questions went away. It’s almost like all of the invasive questions were never necessary at all.

wilsonhammer (@guest_1984469)
January 13, 2025 16:30

yup. security theater at its finest

Lrdx (@guest_1984654)
January 13, 2025 21:02

Well, vote accordingly.

Peter (@guest_1984528)
January 13, 2025 17:33

I have NEXUS, and I also travel to Singapore every year. Singapore’s automated gates are great when everything works, but it can be annoying if you have small kids. Last year, my spouse and older child already made it through, but the gate wouldn’t capture my younger child’s fingerprints, so the two of us ended up waiting 20-30 minutes in the small area on the side for manual clearance, but then again, we were entering as tourists, not citizens or residents.

At the NEXUS kiosk, you just tap each family member’s card. Then the kiosk takes a photo of each adult (but not the kids), and prints off a slip. You then show the slip to someone when exiting the immigration area, and after you leave baggage claim, you hand the slip to someone else.

If you don’t have NEXUS, ArriveCAN can also make entry into Canada less painful. I was recently traveling with my in-laws, who have foreign passports and don’t speak English. I used the ArriveCAN app before flying to help them make pre-declarations. An airport worker helped them use the ArriveCAN kiosk when the rest of us used the NEXUS kiosk, so they were able to bypass the regular line, and we all made it through immigration at the same time.

sdsearch (@guest_1985628)
January 15, 2025 10:51

They ask way fewer, if any, questions, if you have NEXUS.

It’s a much faster lane, even if not automated, for NEXUS card carriers.

And, in fact, some miles east of Niagara Falls, when I went there a bit over a decade ago, there was a NEXUS-only bridge from Canada into the US that was even faster to use than the normal crossing in the Niagara Falls area.

And I just looked it up and that NEXUS-only bridge is still there, known as the Whirlpool Bridge.

But you do have to apply for NEXUS at certain near-US/Canada-border locations, and that’s when they may ask you questions, but questions once when signing up is much better than every time you cross, isn’t it?

Peter (@guest_1984286)
January 13, 2025 13:37

I had suspected this would be the case, since the merchant name “USCUSTOMS TRUSTEDTRAVELER” and dollar amount of $120 is the same regardless if you are paying for Global Entry or NEXUS.

Not Sam
Not Sam (@guest_1984263)
January 13, 2025 13:15

Now that Sentri is also $120, will it trigger?

SK (@guest_1984253)
January 13, 2025 13:05

I have the Citi Exec Mastercard and recently renewed my Nexus and the credit got triggered with that as well.