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Avi (@guest_2010963)
February 24, 2025 11:10

OOS seems to be a no-go. Filled out their Contact form to see if they accept applications over phone or some other way. Got this reply:

“Unfortunately, we do not open accounts via online or email. You would need to come to a branch with 2 forms of Id’s and a utility bill. Because you live in Texas we would not be able to open an account for you since you are outside the bank’s footprint.”

Alex Tao
Alex Tao (@guest_1982278)
January 9, 2025 16:29

Account opened: 10/15
Direct Deposit $500 requirement completed: 12/4/2024
$100 Wise Checking Bonus paid: 01/09/2025

My warning: had to email/call/request for help multiple times in order for my promotional bonus to show up. Do not recommend for such a smaller bonus compared to the other ones that are out there.

ren (@guest_1693596)
September 14, 2023 10:51

I was going to bounce this thread since the offer is still available but after reading the comments I won’t touch it!

Jupiter (@guest_1426169)
August 16, 2022 14:42

Worst Bank in the world. The Chinese woman in the Chinatown branch, Philly was so bitchy. A frog in the well!

Nobody (@guest_1396472)
June 16, 2022 15:31

Strongly suggest removing this from the best bank account bonus page. Fake ads. Extremely bad experience. Feel it ironic and sad that such a bank dares to name after ‘Princeton’.

They asked for at least one-time $500+ dd every 30 days or even every week (as they stated they have customers doing it every week!), for at least 6-7 months, and they wanted you to do so consecutively for 1 or 2 years, plus you need to use it frequently, threatened otherwise your bonus will be withdrawn.

The bankers are unprofessional. They would ask you if you’re for the bonus at the very beginning and became very unhappy and indifferent if they thought it true, whatever you claimed. They made many mistakes when processing everything, wasting your time doing things again and again. They gave you the brochure with the same conditions as posted in this post, but only when you’re gonna open an account they’ll tell you they require a monthly large amount of dd, and deny their ads (posted everywhere in the branch) are misleading or cheating. If you dare to complain about it, they threaten to call the police :-).

A $100 bonus is never worth spending even one second in such a bank.

Nobody but tired
Nobody but tired (@guest_1404690)
July 4, 2022 21:59

Even worse, after I opened it, I found the account type is wrong and they didn’t inform me until after one month. After contacting customer service they told me the only way I can change or close account is going to branch.
Run, son, run as far as possible from the worst bank and the shame of NJ.

Mike (@guest_1039290)
August 19, 2020 17:43

Due to COVID-19, I had to make an appointment in advance (two days from now) to open an account in branch. The banker let me know about another offer at certain new locations in PA and NJ (I’m in Philadelphia) for a 5% CD for $500-$1000. I don’t know if I’ll do it, but I know it’s unusually high for a CD these days, so I thought I’d mention it.

dizzy (@guest_1241971)
August 19, 2021 22:17

Mike was this at the Rittenhouse branch? Been eyeing this one and hoping for a bigger bonus since it’s a newer branch. Also, what’s your chex?

bax (@guest_780487)
July 9, 2019 16:13

Nothing to see here, kids. No credit pull but very Chex-sensitive: My 43 Chex inquiries (over lifetime?) freaked the banker and the branch manager out. I was told even the 8-9 inquiries so far this year alone would have required back-office approval to open the account. Also, they want to see the SSN card as a second form of ID and want to see the Permanent Resident Card (Creen Card) or the Visa if not a citizen.

IS250 (@guest_780498)
July 9, 2019 16:41

Well then. Definitely won’t attempt this now. Thanks for the DP.

So what did you say when they asked about all the Chex hits?

bax (@guest_780531)
July 9, 2019 17:56

Initially I was given the impression that there’s 43 inquiries in the last year alone, which does sound excessive, so I asked to get a copy so I could dispute it with Chex to set the record straight. After I realized it’s probably over lifetime or otherwise a much longer timeframe than just the last 12 months, I told them it’s not really that mind-boggling when spread over a timespan of over a decade, given the interest rate changes and the fact I’ve been rate-chasing from bank-to-bank. The banker just kept saying that’s the most inquiries she’s ever seen, and eventually that the 8-9 inquiries this year alone (many banks don’t even do Chex, or their minds would’ve been blown even worse, haha) means I’ve been [“flirting with” (my words)] different banks. In hindsight, I probably offered too much information to no avail, because almost certainly nothing is going to change their mind, including their back-office’s: They seem to want “loyalty”, which simply doesn’t come standard with the churning crowd. FWIW, there’s a sign of this offer displayed on a cardboard outside the branch, and the banker brought up the $500 DD requirement like it’s a difficult deal.

IS250 (@guest_780670)
July 9, 2019 23:31

If I’m not mistaken, I think the Chex report only shows activity for the past 3 years.

But anyway, yeah they would’ve denied you in any case it seems like.

IS250 (@guest_779656)
July 7, 2019 22:27

I’ll see if I can attempt this. I’m not worried about the DD since I can use my employer. Just hoping they aren’t Chex sensitive.

CardShark (@guest_1469570)
October 20, 2022 19:22

FYI, They don’t seem to care as much if you’re inside of a branch.
I opened a business checking account just to qualify for PPP for an organization back in ’20.
Also, if you have an existing checking, they supposedly don’t pull Chex for a second checking account. (e.g., if you’re selecting one of the branches with the 5% CD promotion. You’ll be required to open a new checking account, but supposedly they don’t request Chex as long as you have at least one checking account open)