Update 10/14/20: Priority Pass has sent out an e-mail stating that Priority Pass has chosen to remove No1 Lounges from the Priority Pass network.
Original post: No1 Lounges began reopening yesterday, unfortunately they are no longer accepting Priority Pass (Lounge Club or LoungeKey). This is due to a dispute with Collinson who own Priority Pass, Lounge Club & LoungeKey. In April 2019 No1 lounges began charging a £5 (~$6.5) reservation fee. Apparently No1 Lounges wanted to move to a 100% reservation system but Collinson pushed back on this. Keep in mind that capacity limits have been reduced and generally these things are eventually be resolved.
Hat tip to Head For Points
Does Chase plan to add a replacement lounge service to Chase Sapphire Reserve? AMEX has Delta Airlines lounges. Will Chase offer United Airlines, South West Airlines, and British Airways lounges?
Seems to me that Priority Pass is in financial trouble and that they will lose more and more lounges due to their failure to reimburse the lounges on time. There will come a time when they will no longer have critical mass and will have to go out of business, We shouldn’t blame this on the pandemic because these troubles began nearly a year ago. Yet another reason not to include Priority Pass in my valuations of credit card benefits.
Damn thats lame. Solid lounges.
Seems like there’s about to be a mass exodus from PP as lounges are reopening but PP isn’t paying anyone.
I agree.
It’s a shame as I loved this lounge on LHR layovers. They had a nice little nap room and made food to go.