Deal has expired, view more Office Depot deals here.
Update 08/24/18: $15 discount is still triggering on fixed value $200 gift cards. Purchase of one $200 fixed value gives $15 discount instantly.
Update 08/23/18: Promotion has been pulled early. Discount no longer triggering.
Looks like OD/OM didn’t fix their IT from the last deal. Enter your rewards number when purchasing $400 in gift cards for a nice surprise. Thanks to reader Kaung S
The Offer
No direct link, but being advertised in store
- Office Depot/Max is offering an instant discount of $15 when you purchase $300 or more in Mastercard gift cards
The Fine Print
- Valid until August 25th
- Limit of one
- Discount applies at register
Our Verdict
Make sure to use a credit card that earns at a high rate on office supply stores. It’s possible that this is only at some stores as it wasn’t advertised in the weekly ad. It’s nice to see the $15 discount back, even if it’s only on Mastercard gift cards.
Hat tip to MtM
For anyone who’s procrastinating on resolving the missing balance issue like I was and might need to identify which receipt is associated with which improperly loaded card, the long number printed below the item #, description & price (e.g., “640484 MASTERCARD VAR 20 XX.00”) is associated with the last 16 digits of the very long number below the barcode on each card.
For those who faxed the receipt / card info to US Bank, how long does it take to get a reply from them?
I faxed early Fri and still no word. My next step is to call back in to see if they went ahead and resolved the issue and loaded the funds on to the existing cards rather than sending new ones out (HIGHLY doubtful)
They were only able to fix one card, the other might need to be replaced, i was told. Still waiting for their update. Very frustrating.
I had three cards that didnt activate and after faxing info the cards were activated with funds the next day.
I faxed a few times on Tuesday with those free online fax services, got message on Wednesday telling me they couldn’t read the receipt. Then got a message again saying about the same, then got another message on Friday telling me my card was activated. Maybe they finally got a clear fax. Just used the card since too many people might know the card info.
To wrap this fiasco up…. I sent my first fax Friday 8/24 and then had to send 2 more over the next 6 days (shocking news… fine details don’t come across clearly on a fax). Finally got a call 8/30 from Card Svcs that they could now read the fax & that they’d refer this over to the fine folks at USB for an additional review. I had to call in to the # on the back of the card the next day 8/31 and make sure to NOT dial in any numbers on the prompt in order to eventually (8-10 min) get transferred to a live rep who finally confirmed that the original $200 was now loaded on to both of my variable MCGCs that experienced the load issue. I booked it IMMEDIATELY to the grocer to liquidate these things as I want nothing to do with a MCGC from USB ever again (no matter the discount). FYI, the OD receipt displayed a lesser amount next to each MCGC card so, obviously, USB was aware that these products were on sale at OD or else I’m sure they’d have jumped at the chance to load something less than $200. SO many known and potential issues with these USB MCGC products that I am 100% done w USB. Many WM’s (not all I suppose) have addressed the “change payment” workaround and even though “Change Payment” appears briefly (and even if you’re an expert at this) you simply can’t select the change payment button no matter how hard and quickly you press. Not to mention the issues with the USB MCGCs from recently (had a no free offer online)…so many people (myself included) simply never get the follow-up letter with the activation codes and this turns into MANY phone calls that result in you maybe/eventually getting the $$ loaded.
I faxed on 8/23 and they still haven’t fixed the second card. They said no money was loaded on the card so will have to have the bank to fix. I’m so sick of calling them and get the same useless response. Really have bad feeling on this.
One of my mcgc cards didn’t activate and I called the back of the card but it only gave me an option for stolen/lost or to try and activate for which it auto-hung up (probably because OD didn’t activate it). I asked the OD woman if I’m “basically SOL” and she said, “not in those words.”
I called the OD and told them I have the receipt and the card but it didn’t activate. I also told them I bought another card on the same purchase that did activate so my credit card company obviously didn’t reject payment.
I’d rather not call chase and let them know I’ve been buying $1ks of gift cards nor do I want to ruin it for everybody and call OD corporate and alert them to the fact that I bought the two $200 gcs for $368.90.
Anybody know a relatively simple way of getting the card activated
Yes, reach out and write a letter if you have to to the customer service mail box. But there is always an alternate number that will get to a human.
And thank you for thinking of us all!
When you call the number on the back of the card and it asks you to enter the card number, don’t enter anything. It will ask 2 or 3 times and it will automatically connect you to a CSR. Good luck
Two of my cards ended up where I couldn’t even get pass the enter 16 digit/3 cvc digit code/ some matcha. So I called the #: 888.853.9536 and both had $200 balance. Wheeew. I was able to register one via phone as in they sent text to my phone and sent me link and followed directions – super easy.
Second card, i called back and tried same thing, but as i entered my info online it didn’t properly submit. So talked to live human and they helped me register the card with my personal info. Unsure if u had my prob too. So no need to contact OD/OM.
Can confirm this just worked for single $200 fixed value just worked at an Office Max. $15 off.
Two DPs. 1) I tried a single fixed $200 MGC but no $15 discount. 2) At a second OD today, I tried to buy two variable MGCs (each at $200), but no $15 discount (worked earlier in the week). I cancelled and swapped for three $100 fixed and the $15 discount applied. All in Denver FWIW.
bought $200+$100 MC GC paid $297.90
bought $50 MC GC paid $39.95
It took 15 off from 50 dollars as well???
The store i went didn’t have $200 mgc so i tried on a $100 mgc and it took $15 off. I didn’t try on $50 but I’m pretty sure it works as well. I didn’t want to buy $50s because too much trouble to liquidate.
So just to be sure I read today’s update right – the instant savings comes up with just one MCgc at $200?
Whoops – I should have read to the end. Soz
Bought one $200 fixed rate MasterCard was charged $185
Doc, are you saying you don’t have to get two cards for this to apply?! The discount does show up on just one card for fixed 200s, but I haven’t seen anyone report that no 300 value is required.
Here is the report. I purchased a single fixed value (200 dollars) MCG this afternoon (August 24th, 2018) and got the 15 discount.
Dang. It’s free money but after saving $30, even $40 2 days ago, I’m having a hard time convincing myself to go back and buy more.
Correct, lots of DP it doesn’t require $300.
Hello everyone, I experienced a pull on the deal yesterday, however I wanted to share that my location (Orange City, Florida) was allowing me to do this everyday during the promo period. I don’t know if others knew about this, but I didn’t and thought I would share the valuable info y! God Bless!
Deal is not dead with $200 non-variables. Just maxed out my ink today.