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The Offer
Check your local Office Depot/Max store for the following deal:
- Buy $300 in Visa gift cards and get $15 discounted instantly at the register.
The Fine Print
- Valid 10/18 – 10/24
- Limit 1 per customer
Our Verdict
They ran similar deals a few times lately, good to see it back this week. Use INK Cash/Plus for 5x. You’ll pay $12.90/$13.90 in fees, and you’ll end up paying less than face value after the $15 discount.
Update: Some readers in the comments are not getting this at their store; YMMV.
Hat tip to @noonradar and FM
This worked in CO. Though I found a couple stores fresh out of cards.
Anyone know if ODOM is doing the Mastercard sale this week since Visa just expired last night? I can’t find any articles on in yet.
The FLW location in Scottsdale does not honor
Good to go in Portland, OR & Vancouver, WA. Skip the Tigard location on Sequoia Pkwy though – they’re playing the “we only stock $25 & $50 VGC” game again.
Works like a charm in St. Louis, MO
Central Oregon = yes
I’ve been looking for data points on Style Everywhere cards. Do they work for MO @ WM?
Yep, Style, Dining and Grocery Everywhere all work at every WM and Neighborhood Market in my experience.
No more $200 VIsa gift cards at my local OD. Does promo also work for the Everywhere Visa Gift Cards?
yes, as long as its VISA and total over 300$, it works with 15$ discount per transaction, i bought 2 GEs of 200 each and paid $394.90, whenever they run out the everywhere card, i buy the 6.95 fee visa cards, still a good deal.
Fantastic. Thanks for that datapoint.
no instant discount on Visa GC ($300+) available in Jacksonville, FL (San Jose blvd) location.
Anyone have any luck going for 2 transactions in one stop at ODOM? I feels awkward to ask, but I may try. Reason is I prefer to stay under <$500 a transaction so I don't get flagged at the registers.
YMMV. But in my area I have no problem doing 2 separate transactions ($200 x 2) then ($200 x 2). Today the manager helped me.
Yeah, I figured it’s YMMV. The awkward thing is if they think it’s burdensome or they make a big deal out of it if I request such every day of the week I come in. If it’s cool, then I’m cool. Otherwise, I’m self-conscious about being that person.
Give it a shot, the worst they can say is no.
No harm in trying but I’ve just stopped asking because the Portland, OR store cashiers all seem to be trained to deny it and then put me under the “scary money launderer” microscope. No worth the hassle in my experience but that kind of response probably depends on the whims of a particular area manager.
Got lucky the first time I asked as they let me do it in the PDX area, but when I come in everyday, it feels sketchy. What’s your routine now? Do you get the minimum then hit up another ODOM?
Yep, been making a big loop around the Portland & Vancouver metro area and just grab 2x cards so I can be in and out without the ‘will-they-or-won’t-they’ multiple transactions drama. I’ve even preemptively started laying out my ID along with my CC to reduce friction there too.
11 OD/OM locations (see my above comment about the Tigard store) and also added the two Staples so it was especially profitable even though the North Portland one was OOS! Trying to go at a time when I can avoid traffic is key to keeping me sane of course… lol
Try putting in the all of the addresses you want to go to into for the most efficient driving directions, which will feed directly into your Nav app if you’re so inclined.
Cleveland, OH works great!
Same in Columbus.
Hi mates!