It’s Official: Chase Updates the Terms to Indicate Sapphire Family Limitation

Earlier today we posted about the memo being circulated to Chase bankers indicating that all Sapphire cards are considered one family for the purposes of getting signup bonuses and for holding two Sapphire cards. It’s now official with the updated terms showing that all Sapphire cards are considered one.

Sapphire Preferred link, Sapphire Reserve link

The product is not available to either (i) current cardmembers of any Sapphire credit card, or (ii) previous cardmembers of any Sapphire credit card who received a new cardmember bonus within the last 24 months.

I still see the old terms at one link, but it doesn’t matter much since – as per numerous data points – Chase has been simply denying any Sapphire cardholders who apply for another Sapphire version. It’s well within their rights to decide if they want to issue another Sapphire card to a customer.

There is one odd data point of an approval for CSP yesterday and CSR today. Only thing I can think is that the Chase system didn’t fully update them as a new cardmember. Or else, maybe, since they didn’t yet get the bonus, a quirk in the system is allowing them to get approved for both. In any case, this can be a small loophole in the new terms by applying for both within a day, but then again, who knows if this person will or will not end up getting both bonuses.

Hat tip to reader Seth

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V (@guest_512945)
November 10, 2017 14:39

So if my gf signed up for the CSR last year, downgrades it to say the freedom, she would not be eligible to then apply for the CSP bonus because of receiving the CSR bonus last year? Is that correct?

Sammy Banks
Sammy Banks (@guest_470866)
September 3, 2017 19:31


I just wanted to check regarding the Chase sapphire reserve travel credit for 2017. I had enrolled in CSR last year in November and annual fee was charged on 12/01.

They didn’t provide me $300 last year due to some fine print which i missed of using travel credits before last statement of calendar year. My CSR statement is on 24 rd of every month and believe the annual fee will be charged on 12/01 this year as well. Can i cancel the credit card after the last statement by redeeming the travel credit or thats not possible. I am really upset with Chase since they didnt let me use the travel credit due to fine print of using travel credit before the last statement.

Sam (@guest_468739)
August 30, 2017 12:59

It’s been > 2 years since I had PREFERRED card. So I was going to cancel RESERVE card and then apply to CSP. With this language, is it correct that I won’t get bonus now for CSP? Thanks.

tinytavosa (@guest_468754)
August 30, 2017 13:29

I really do not see how the terms suggest that?

If you do not have any sapphire product when you apply, and it has been more than 24 months since you had a bonus on a sapphire product, you are eligible for the bonus. Someone correct me if I am wrong?

Frank (@guest_468849)
August 30, 2017 16:42

It’s pretty obvious it has been way less than 24 months since he received a bonus for a Sapphire product since the card has only been out for a year.

tinytavosa (@guest_469386)
August 31, 2017 15:24

Mmm… go ahead and reread what he was saying, we are referring to the CSP which has been out for far far longer….If you attempted to read what he said, he had the PREFERRED which was the reason he was questioning the bonus, all I am saying is that he should not have any sapphire cards opened when he applies for the CSP again… lol,

Maybe add relevant information and read a little more next time? smh

my (@guest_469959)
September 1, 2017 15:28

To my understanding.1) You can’t have one open. 2) you did not receive a bonus from ANY sapphire product. (In 24 months)

I say no you can’t.

Why: you received a bonus for your reserve. and it has not been 24 months.

So CSP or not a bonus for the Reserve was still received before 24 months.

(Hopefully I read it correctly if not please correct me)

titiex (@guest_468617)
August 30, 2017 08:36

old link updated with new terms.
“This product is available to you if you do not have any Sapphire card and have not received a new cardmember bonus for any Sapphire card in the past 24 months. If you are an existing Sapphire customer and would like this product, please call the number on the back of your card to see if you are eligible for a product change. You will not receive the new cardmember bonus if you change products.”

Doug (@guest_468613)
August 30, 2017 08:15

opened my CSP in July 2015. if I downgrade it to a freedom, can I apply for another CSP and get the sign up bonus again?

I’m 7/24 so waiting until March 2018 when I’ll be under 5/24 again. Plan was to keep the CSP and get the CSR, but since this rule is in place now, should I just get another CSP (and will I be able to without any issues if I do what I wrote in the first part of my question?)

Chris (@guest_468150)
August 29, 2017 11:31

Never realized there was a plain Sapphire card before. What are the terms and benefits? Looks like only 2x on restaurants and 1x on everything else. I guess applications were closed a while ago as I can’t find much more info about it.

Josh (@guest_468243)
August 29, 2017 12:09

That is correct. 2% restaurants, no AF. Card looks the same as CSP except 1) plastic 2) not saying “preferred”

Bill (@guest_468255)
August 29, 2017 12:46

You can’t app directly for the cs anymore you have to pc to it.

Charlie (@guest_468366)
August 29, 2017 17:27

Does the CS allow you to transfer UR points to airline frequent flyer programs 1:1 like the CSP and CSR? Can you use the Chase travel portal?

CtownBin (@guest_468392)
August 29, 2017 18:45

No, it does not- only cards with an annual fee have that ability. As for the portal- even if there was access, it would basically be useless since you wouldn’t get any bonus on the value. Nowadays, the plain CS is really only used to keep points alive and as a way to facilitate downgrades (eg, sometimes you can’t downgrade directly from CSR to a Freedom, but you can go CSR>CS>Freedom).

JASON (@guest_468791)
August 30, 2017 14:27


Well noted! Good to know! Thanks!

Jags (@guest_468086)
August 29, 2017 11:17

Being LOL/24 this changes nothing. I’m only getting approved for Chase cards through targeted offers and as long as that continues I don’t really care.

Krysanthus (@guest_468080)
August 29, 2017 11:15

Applied for CSP early Aug. Was denied for “too many cards opened”. Called recon and told them they were counting my auth user accts. They said “oops you’re right” and conditionally approved me for $10k CL. But passed me to the verification Dept who told me I had to fax in some documents to complete the “verification” step. This was news to me. Faxed the docs, and called back in today. Surprise! We verified you but since it’s after Aug 27th we can’t approve you even though we just made you jump through all these hoops. Asked to speak to the manager. She says she can get me approved for the card but it won’t come with the sign up bonus. So a hard pull for no sign up bonus and another card to tip me over 5/24? No thanks.
Tldr: Chase led me on for weeks only to deny me under this new “policy change”. Any recourse?

Josh (@guest_468241)
August 29, 2017 12:09


Cain (@guest_467951)
August 29, 2017 09:10

Wish I had applied for the CSP last week 🙁

RightNYer (@guest_467943)
August 29, 2017 09:00

Still not clear to me whether the “product is not available” is intended to apply to the card as a whole or just the bonus (since it’s under the bonus subtitle). In other words, it’s not clear whether a person who got a Sapphire bonus within the past 24 months or is a current Sapphire cardholder can apply and get the CSR/CSP, but just not be eligible for the bonus.

@Right (@guest_481320)
September 22, 2017 08:10

No, if you are a current cardholder, no more cards. If you are previous cardholder and received a bonus on it within past 24 months, no more cards. Please see above comment for context.