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Golden (@guest_1917400)
September 23, 2024 00:26

could not receive the txt confirmaton code

Teddy (@guest_1914545)
September 18, 2024 14:31

There is no confirmation button on the page where you enter the verification code, so you can’t go to the next step

ReverendK (@guest_1909694)
September 11, 2024 16:05

Opened link in private window and was instantly approved with $500 CC funding.

chukcha (@guest_1906921)
September 7, 2024 11:39

Not only in branch — can be opened online.

Somehow the offer only shows in a private window view.

Jimmy Johns 🔗
Jimmy Johns 🔗 (@guest_1905515)
September 4, 2024 23:07

This is back until October 18, 2024. In branch with code 250M24. Same link in the post

Christy M Buckley
Christy M Buckley (@guest_1903094)
August 31, 2024 17:43

Check your accounts. Payments appear to be happening. Just saw one get posted yesterday – 8/30.

anneok (@guest_1903402)
September 1, 2024 13:34

yup…same here…

SG (@guest_1903855)
September 2, 2024 13:39

Yes, deposited for me as well finally!

Klad (@guest_1902815)
August 31, 2024 00:39

07/06 – Account Opened in Branch with $100
07/24 – $1001 Chase Payroll ACH
08/30 – $250 bonus posted

I know most of the people are having issues but for me it all went smooth.

Roba (@guest_1901988)
August 29, 2024 18:44

Opened account 5/21 and got DD 5/30, still haven’t gotten bonus. Anyone else having issues?

Anuj (@guest_1902548)
August 30, 2024 14:35

Roba – Many DPs (including myself) in the comments below dealing with the same problem. If your terms during account opening said that the bonus would be paid by Aug 1 and if it has not yet, I would suggest opening a CFPB and BBB complaint for a resolution.

SG (@guest_1903857)
September 2, 2024 13:41

Anuj Bonus deposited on 08/30, check yours!

Anuj Agrawal
Anuj Agrawal (@guest_1904120)
September 2, 2024 21:50

SG – Yes, I finally got it, thank you.

anneok (@guest_1901211)
August 28, 2024 16:43

Husband account was opened on Jun 10 and used Chase Payroll for DD on Jun 21 and no bonus. I opened my account in May and also used Chase Payroll and got the bonus on August. 1.

Anuj (@guest_1901761)
August 29, 2024 13:44

anneok – If your husband opened the account under promotion but hasn’t received it because of a glitch at the bank’s end, please file a CFPB complaint.

anneok (@guest_1902330)
August 30, 2024 10:00

I emailed CSR and they said since his account was opened in June, the bonus payout will be in Novemebr 15 to satify 90 day cycle?!!

Anuj (@guest_1902544)
August 30, 2024 14:33

anneok – This is all false information. The customer representatives are not knowledgeable enough & keep giving random dates. If your terms during account opening said that the bonus would be paid by Aug 1 and if it has not by now, I would suggest opening a CFPB and BBB complaint for a resolution.

SG (@guest_1902825)
August 31, 2024 01:11

Make sure you save the CSR transcript or keep logs of what they mention. When I requested my chat logs (where CSR confirmed on promotional code applied to my account and bonus pay out confirmation in Aug), branch rep said they can’t provide that. I’ve logged multiple complaints and also sent an email to the branch supervisor but no one has taken any action.

Atomic (@guest_1898204)
August 23, 2024 14:48

5/10/2024: Account opened in branch using 250F24 promo code with $100 opening deposit. No mention of Chex report even though I had a few recent inquiries.
6/14/2024: Employer DD
6/28/2024: Employer DD
7/15/2024: Employer DD
7/31/2024: Employer DD
8/01/2024: $250 bonus posts as “F Bonus Partner”

Meant to switch DD away after June but forgot. Guess that ended up being the safe play according to other comments of it needing to be recurring.