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Daniel D.
Daniel D. (@guest_1973972)
December 23, 2024 08:47

Hi everyone,
I’m OOS and interested in joining Advantis CU for the CC funding
Can anyone help me with a referral?
my email – cuongn.doan (a) gmail

Piyush (@guest_1841630)
May 8, 2024 00:54

P2 got a denial for too many Chex inquiries.

Matty (@guest_1835343)
April 24, 2024 12:34

After 6+ accounts, I finally got a denial. They are indeed chex sensitive.

Jason (@guest_1787726)
January 29, 2024 12:24

The new account bonus isn’t active, but I signed up for an Advantis checking account so I can share some recent DPs:

  • No hard pull
  • You can still fund up $2,550 with a credit card. If you go above that, they won’t show a credit card as a payment option anymore.
  • I used a Citi Shop Your Way credit card to pay, and it coded as a purchase. Strangely, I didn’t receive any points for the transaction. My statement has closed, and I’m certain it wasn’t an accidental cash advance.
  • It’s best to open a savings account first (required to establish membership) so you can deposit up to $2,550 with a credit card twice. When you open the checking account separately, you can do the $2,550 again. I assume that if you open both at the same time, you can’t double dip.
Jason (@guest_1789594)
January 31, 2024 11:21

Update: It took a while, but the SYW points for the funding eventually did post.

SP (@guest_1828093)
April 9, 2024 00:12

any chance you got a referral for this CU? Could use the CC funding…..

Shadowgraph (@guest_1569324)
March 5, 2023 11:21

TL;DR No hard pull, BoA credit card funding of $2550 coded as purchase, but not in a CCR online shopping category

10/30 Sent in contact form asking which credit bureau would need to be thawed to apply, and would it be a soft pull
10/31 Email reply stated hard pull only if applying for credit, soft pull for account opening identity verification but couldn’t say which to unfreeze
11/5 Took a shot on BoA More Rewards Saturday, P1 unfroze all 3, applied for CK/SAV/MM online in footprint, passed verification, funded with BoA CCR for $2550 (cash advance set low), half expected a fraud alert text but received BoA email charge auth notice for $2550, however no instant accounts just a screen saying app complete we’ll let you know if anything else is needed. No hard pulls, refroze all 3. P2 repeated using a different BoA CCR, same results
11/7 P1/P2 receive welcome to Advantis emails
11/8 BoA charges post with transaction date moved to 11/8, crap. Purchases coded as “Professional Services not Elsewhere Classified” i.e. category 8999 which is excluded from online shopping, double crap. Platinum honors rewards of $44 each instead of $132 had it been online shopping, in hindsight UCR would have had few extra reward $
11/15 P1/P2 each have $100 Qualified New Member Bonus credited to checking, quick payout since the updated terms were considerably longer
11/28 BoA comes through with More Rewards Day courtesy adjustment of $51 each for P1/P2

Not the CCR “online shopping” reward I’d hoped for, but still almost $400 for less than an hour of work. Probably took longer to write this lengthy post 😉

Mark (@guest_1568476)
March 3, 2023 18:41

The minimum opening deposit for money market is $2500, but I can’t tell if after opening you can immediately transfer it out. Anyone have a DP? glenn Jakob Matty

Shadowgraph (@guest_1569326)
March 5, 2023 11:24

Based on the MM APY tier chart showing “$0.01–$9,999.99 0.10%” and further down “Your account is FREE – no monthly fees” shown at a reduced balance seems to be okay.

A month or so after the bonus posted, I dropped to $1 each in MM and CK, and $5 in SAV. No squawking so far, and the last statement didn’t show any fees. YMMV, might want to save a screenshot if you try it.

Matty (@guest_1571827)
March 8, 2023 21:55

I waited until the bonus hit, then moved the money out. It was 10 days, so not a huge hit to any interest I might have otherwise earned. Mark

Matty (@guest_1536307)
January 17, 2023 21:56

I opened this account for the CC funding. The $100 bonus is gravy. Here’s my DP:

Applied 1/17/23. I’m OOS. Chose relative in WA for eligibility. Got an email that it was waiting approval. A few hours later, got email that I was denied. I called in and asked why. Very nice rep said it was because I had 3 Chex inquiries in the last 90 days. I came up with an explanation for that, and the rep said OK, apply again. I immediately applied again and was approved.

Successfully funded $2530 with CIC ($25 for checking, $5 for savings, $2500 for MM). No hard pull.

Ccing  William Charles and  Chuck to make a note of their Chex sensitivity.

Matty (@guest_1541041)
January 24, 2023 14:35

Update to my DP:
$100 bonus posted 1/24/23 (was scheduled to post by 2/1/23).

Yuri (@guest_1766560)
December 28, 2023 15:02

So there will be 2 chex inquiries on your report?

Jakob (@guest_1445817)
September 15, 2022 10:51

Attempted to open account today. Went pending. Tried to fund 2505 with new INK cash. Looks like it went through. Not sure if coded as cash advance or if it was purchase. Also not sure if it’ll track on the bonus tracker. Will update post once I know more.

Currently no hard pull either

Thomas (@guest_1445992)
September 15, 2022 15:14

are you OOS? looking forward to your updates

Jakob (@guest_1449236)
September 21, 2022 00:23

I’m in state. Got approved after drivers license and bank statement with current address upload.

2500 coded as “business services” for chase. And is showing in the MSR tracker for bonus. So everything worked perfectly.

glenn (@guest_1327284)
February 6, 2022 21:30

Can confirm no hard pull, had all three bureaus frozen. Successfully funded with CSR $2550. It (appears to have) coded as purchase but still pending although the $2550 counted towards my MS for my SUB.

Anyone know how many accounts I can open with Advantis and fund with cards? I have some MS coming up that I’d love to knock out. Cheers

Jim Harrison
Jim Harrison (@guest_1378837)
May 9, 2022 21:51

Update on the CSR funding counting toward SUB?

Jakob (@guest_1438717)
September 5, 2022 23:21

Any updates on the multiple accounts or any issues with using the CSR?

pakacat (@guest_1245178)
August 27, 2021 10:20

 William Charles No hard pull. I froze Experian, Equifax, and TU prior to applying. Successfully charged CSP $2550 to open savings, checking, and MMA yesterday. Now to await the bonus.

Perhaps add this to the Best Bank Account Bonuses page? Seems to qualify if there’s no hard pull.