The Offer
- Get $5 off your next purchase of $5 or more when you pay with PayPal.
- Simply checkout anywhere PayPal is accepted by 11:59 PM PST on 12/19/19 and your $5 offer will be applied automatically to your purchase.
- Offer is limited to the first 70,000 to save and redeem the offer.
The Fine Print
- Must save offer first to your Paypal account
- “Offer Period”: Starts at 2:00 a.m. Pacific Time (“PT”) on December 19th, 2019 and ends at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time (“PT”) on December 19th, 2019
Our Verdict
This is being sent out by email to some, but it’s a public offer and works for anyone. I used the link above to save the offer, and got an instant email confirmation from Paypal as well.
Terms indicate that even after saving it, you still are not locked in until you use it up, and there’s a 70,000 limit so I’d use it ASAP. Please chime in below with easy ways to use this quickly.
You can buy anything on eBay, like a $5 eBay gift card. Or buy a $5 Walmart gift card on (that’s an affiliate link; note: only physical gift cards allow Paypal, according to reader reports). Or $5 Target gift card on Or you can go to and find a brand (e.g. Jamba Juice) which has a $5 gift card option. Lots of charities will accept Paypal as well and take any donation amount.
Hat tip to reader Kat
I know this is an old thread, but I had this offer again on one of my accounts. I tried to use it at Egifter, but the purchase failed a couple of times (hung when going to PP) and after getting an email from PP telling me to complete my $500 (!) purchase at Egifter, I decided to try another route. Ordered a physical $5 gift card from, and it went through on the first try. I ordered on Friday, and it’s going to be delivered today via FedEx Home Delivery!
i’ve gotten a free 5$ offer in my email stating that i should clam my free 5$ is it only for those who just downloaded the app i’ve had it for a while now i tried to clam my free 5$ but it keep telling me my email was wrong no it is’nt i gave them the same one as it is in my account.
For those who bought a gift card from Walmart, did anyone actually receive it?
Website says it expires Dec 20th (today) in great big letters. Actually expired yesterday according to the fine print. Seems Paypal has opted to go the bait-and-switch route.
PayPal account that I f[rgot the password. And had more thathan one account.
I have an account that should have alot of money that I haven’t been able to get in.
Seems to still be active for those that saved it to their Paypal acct. I received the email this morning, saved it to my acct, and just now used it to buy a $5 DD gift card, which was fully covered by the promo.
yes, it wasn’t “dead” as much as “limited to the first 70,000 people who save the offer”. This is how the PayPal offers usually work, and as long as you’re able to get in early and Save the offer to your account, you will be able to use it.
dead- we are sorry the number of participants has reached limit