Paypal Kills the ‘Paypal Key’ Virtual Card Option (Ends April 21)

Paypal just announced the end of their Paypal Key system which allows using a virtual card number generated by Paypal to pay for anything, with the purchase getting backed by the card of your choice within your Paypal account.

You can read more about Paypal Key in our original post. People found this useful for various methods of manufacturing spend. Paypal Key is no longer available for new users and is ending on April 21, 2022 for existing users.

Hat tip to SagittandiEstVita

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Jay - ⒿⒶⓨ 🙈 🙉 🙊
Jay - ⒿⒶⓨ 🙈 🙉 🙊 (@guest_1370625)
April 21, 2022 23:59
Kai (@guest_1369609)
April 20, 2022 00:18

I signed up for three trial coffee subscriptions, a bunch of streaming service trials, and some free vitamins to commemorate my last hurrah with PPK. Gonna be real sadge.

real love
real love (@guest_1370192)
April 21, 2022 04:23

Kai just wondering if there are any good free trials right now for streaming live TV? Hulu used to have a free 7 day trial for liveTV but they ended it in Dec.. I’ve been looking for a new one to churn.. that has ESPN, and other live channels

Anthony (@guest_1354100)
March 27, 2022 09:14

Seriously bummed, would use ppk with pp credit as the payment source, this allowed me to make large purchases (upto 7k) and have 6 months to pay them off with 0% interest… helped me out a shit ton when unexpected bills hit me, ppk will be dearly missed

benji (@guest_1354292)
March 27, 2022 19:15

I can relate a little. PPK helped me to pay rent using a 0% APR credit card when I had no job for a while. Glad I even had this option when I needed.

John (@guest_1352465)
March 23, 2022 21:37

Damn dude the categories i spent on the most in the last two years was definitely paypal using paypal key for the Freedom Flex. I’m convinced they saw a lot of others doing the same thing and killed it.

Michael Meyer
Michael Meyer (@guest_1351494)
March 22, 2022 11:12

I was using PayPal Key for I used it when Chase Freedom Flex has a PayPal category could use PayPal Key for 5X categories. It also provided an extra layer of security where PayPal was not accepted but PayPal Key was permitted.

Michael Meyer
Michael Meyer (@guest_1351622)
March 22, 2022 14:50

It appears PayPal wants everyone to sign up for their Debit card. That would mean bank transfer fees every time you make a purchase.

bruh moment
bruh moment (@guest_1355070)
March 29, 2022 05:14

There aren’t any fees for transferring money from a bank account. Literally says it in the page you linked.

Jamie (@guest_1369931)
April 20, 2022 16:12

there are no bank transfer fees…

jpv (@guest_1375299)
May 3, 2022 04:05

There are fees for credit cards, which is how 99.9% of people were using PPK.

mjonis (@guest_1351444)
March 22, 2022 09:39

Well poop. I was using this for my Verizon FIOS payments linked to my Chase Ink Business Preferred. I think if I switch back to just the CIP, Verizon charges $10/month or something for the credit card, which pretty much negates, I think the 5x UR on internet.

Michael Meyer
Michael Meyer (@guest_1351495)
March 22, 2022 11:14

I believe you can use your checking account for the minimum payment and then use your Chase Ink Cash Business credit card for the majority of the payment. This way you get your 5X on internet service provider, phone, and streaming services.

bizmark03 (@guest_1351557)
March 22, 2022 12:43

So for example if my monthly FIOS bill is $40, I pay $1 with a debit card and then pay $39 with a credit card, and that will still keep the $10/month discount?

Kafka (@guest_1351966)
March 23, 2022 05:37

Generally yes, though Verizon has 5+ different ways of billing depending if you go through your account website, the dedicated bill pay website, the automated phone system, a human rep on the phone, or a kiosk in their store. Google for which work to keep debit autopay discount.

Avi (@guest_1351970)
March 23, 2022 06:22

Kafka NotToday I did some searching and can’t find current information about any method that still works. It seems that partial payments through the account website used to work, but now cause the autopay discount to eventually fall off, and haven’t found datapoints for other methods. Do you mind sharing?

Light (@guest_1383544)
May 20, 2022 01:33

I was thinking the same thing. But sadly no. Once you change your payment method from debit card to others or make payment with other method, even advanced payment, there is a warning that you’re gonna lose your discount.

NotToday (@guest_1351534)
March 22, 2022 12:19

Jesus… you guys are doing it wrong. I’ve always paid my bill with a credit card. I don’t get hit with any fees and I don’t lose out on any credits.

Matt (@guest_1356356)
March 31, 2022 16:26

Complete B.S.

Bockrr (@guest_1351361)
March 22, 2022 02:44

Lame 🙁

Olivia (@guest_1351359)
March 22, 2022 02:43

Can someone make a list of the best / easiest uses of PayPal Key to profit from before the whole thing is shut down? I only know about the recent deal with funding Public app.. although for me Public did not allow me to use PayPal Key (PPK).. but I’d love to know what other ways to make easy money before this deal is permanently shut down?

Kai (@guest_1351423)
March 22, 2022 09:01

You can pay tax, the processing fee is a flat $3. You get 5% cashback when Chase has Paypal as a category.

Queue_Underflow (@guest_1351443)
March 22, 2022 09:38

It stopped working for federal tax payments at the end of 2020.

Samantha (@guest_1351248)
March 21, 2022 22:34

Guys is this something – Paypal is playing April fool day to early ….. 🙁

ctj (@guest_1351227)
March 21, 2022 22:11

PPK was great for draining virtual debit cards that many online retailers rejected (i’m looking at you, mygiftcardsplus). i wonder: could the paypal “cash card” work the same way?

Jenny (@guest_1351254)
March 21, 2022 22:41


Sam F.
Sam F. (@guest_1351265)
March 21, 2022 22:54

The cash card only works with you PayPal balance.

Ssss (@guest_1351396)
March 22, 2022 07:13

Can you please clarify? Thanks.