PayPal Launches Debit Card That Earns 5% Back On One Category (Up To $1,000)

Update 11/2/24: Tech is now showing up for November. Hat tip to Eternal Blue

PayPal has launched a new debit card where cardholders can choose one category to earn 5% cash back on, up to a limit of $1,000 per month in spend. Currently it seems that the card is invite only mode and you can check your PayPal account to see if you’re eligible. Some things to note:

  • There is no annual fee
  • You have to select your category each month, otherwise you won’t earn 5%
  • Categories you can choose are here:
    • Grocery
    • Dining
    • Gas
    • Clothing
    • Health/beauty
  • Full terms here

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turkandjd (@guest_2014350)
March 1, 2025 09:20

Are there definitions for cashback besides the listed 5% categories?
Eg, unlimited 1% blanket rewards for everything?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2014359)
March 1, 2025 09:38

AFAIK, it doesn’t give any CB for purchases that don’t fall into the 5% category that you choose. You also don’t receive any additional CB if/when you reach the $50 maximum per month.

turkandjd (@guest_2014363)
March 1, 2025 09:45

Thanks for the reply. I must be confusing this product with the paypal mastercard credit card? I was under the impression the debit card earned 3% on paypal purchase..

Bryan (@guest_1992904)
January 28, 2025 11:28

Does the gas category only work for gas stations and not like paying a gas bill (propane)?

mothman69 (@guest_1992910)
January 28, 2025 11:36

Yes I would assume only road fuel from a service station. Natural gas and/or propane bill would most likely be classified as utilities if that was a category.

Mark (@guest_1983253)
January 11, 2025 08:07

For the debit cards rewards, does it ever take time to show up? Used for eating out and one posted points immediately while another transaction did not show points so far ( about 24 hours). Thanks

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
January 12, 2025 02:17

Might depend on how the card was processed. Debit cards can be processed as “Debit” or “Credit”… which can impact the cost to the merchant, cost to the issuing bank, speed in the transaction to post, and if you need to use your PIN or not. Two completely different networks/systems to access the same account.

More than likely you will get your rewards… let us know what you find out. Mark

bullmeister (@guest_1977596)
January 1, 2025 20:35

Reminder to pick a cashback category today  Chuck  William Charles

hwufeh (@guest_1973106)
December 20, 2024 12:46

As a data point, my debit card was blocked for buying $500 money orders and customer service refused to lift the system generated security block. Nice while it lasted.

Eric (@guest_1974551)
December 24, 2024 11:58

Where were you buying your MOs at? I wouldn’t give up on it yet. You might just have to find a different MO avenue.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1974563)
December 24, 2024 12:24

They wrote that their debit card was blocked, not that they didn’t receive the 5% CB…

Eric (@guest_1977930)
January 2, 2025 15:21

I took it that they refused to remove the security block from making that same purchase but I figured he can still use his card elsewhere or not related to the 5% category. Dude I wasn’t even talking about not receiving the 5% CB……obviously I know the transaction didn’t go through.

I get it that we get the debit card to only use it for the 5% CB but the first thing you do when trying to figure out the issue is to see if the card is completely toast for purchasing things outside of that merchant… OP just wants to give up so oh well.

Better Planet Bob
Better Planet Bob (@guest_1977817)
January 2, 2025 12:08

How did you become aware that they’ve blocked your debit card? Did you get an email from PayPal? Is your entire account shut down?

out_of_the_money (@guest_1967057)
December 9, 2024 20:54

anyone know the category for 5% uber cashback?

Eric (@guest_1972597)
December 19, 2024 13:36

Like for rideshare rides? Just click on an Uber offer instead. Plenty of other cards that offer Uber/Lyft discount.

Larrabeedrill (@guest_1962797)
December 2, 2024 12:31

Pepper rewards codes as Tech catagory for PayPal Debit 5% Cashback! This lets you stack for an additional 5% cb up to $1000 in spend each month.

Kevin (@guest_1964525)
December 5, 2024 12:06

Excellent flag! Worked for me.

Jeremy (@guest_1977733)
January 2, 2025 08:34

I don’t see this as a category.

Amanda (@guest_2015758)
March 3, 2025 16:58

Since Tech isn’t listed as one of the selectable categories*, how are you receiving the 5% cb? I appreciate you

*Gas (including EV charging stations), Grocery, Restaurant, Clothing, Health and Beauty and other temporary or seasonal Monthly Reward Categories that we may offer from time to time

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1947856)
November 9, 2024 15:01

Is it possible to use this card virtually? Like if you have it stored in a virtual wallet or on the app?

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1947872)
November 9, 2024 15:35

Okay, I see the google wallet option and was able to add the card there. Anyone run into issues using the card via wallet and getting cashback? I’d like to use it for dining/restaurants primarily.

Eric (@guest_1951561)
November 14, 2024 16:38

Why wouldn’t you be able to add it to Google Wallet or Apple Pay? Also as long as you selected the dining/restaurants category you will get 5%.

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1951573)
November 14, 2024 16:47

It all worked! Added it to Google wallet, selected the category, and I am seeing the 5% point/cashback. So far so good.

AS (@guest_1947177)
November 8, 2024 13:19

I received an marketing email about the 5% debit card, the link in it redirects to the mobile app, which prompts “At this time, we’re unable to set you up with a PayPal Debit Card”.

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
November 7, 2024 18:46

Not sure why there hasn’t been a DP yet, but…

I tested Walmart Neighborhood Market tonight and it codes as grocery. (tested self checkout first, and then customer service desk)

Maybe the MS Mafia is suppressing DP’s? Or, is Walmart too high profile?

Is there a super secret element to going with mothman69’s method?

mothman69 (@guest_1946747)
November 7, 2024 21:39

I’m not aware if there’s anything secret about it. I just use the Pay feature out of habit. A few years ago I signed up for the Capital One Walmart Rewards Mastercard for the 5% cash back when using Walmart Pay at checkout. When the 12 months of 5% ran out I was able to switch the payment method in the Walmart app over to my OnJuno debit for 5%. When Juno cash back died, I had P2 open a Capital One Walmart card and went with that for another 12 months. Then we went with Verizon Visa 4% cash back for a while until this PayPal debit card popped up recently.

I don’t actually carry my PayPal card in my wallet so I probably won’t ever test swiping it at our Supercenter.

Eric (@guest_1949831)
November 12, 2024 17:53

LOL why do you think there is a conspiracy going on right now with WM NM? I posted before that purchasing goods via WM SCO in-store at a WM triggers the 5% vs at a cashier and had no problems sharing that “secret” because a regular is iffy when it comes coding it as only grocery since they sell much more than food.

I don’t think its any secret but rather just people haven’t reported on it. That is great that you were able to confirm that WM NM works for the 5% since I would be shocked if it wasn’t coded as a grocery store since the goal of the WM NM is to sell only food and groceries.

Gadget 🕵️‍♂️ Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
November 12, 2024 18:06

When the 5% Chase Freedom category is Grocery, WMNM does NOT count. IIRC, Discover is the same way.

Amex Blue Cash does though. (at least a couple years ago… I haven’t tried lately)

I was mostly being funny about the conspiracy.

Eric (@guest_1949939)
November 12, 2024 20:39

Ok well I don’t know since Chase makes it clear every time that Walmart, Target and warehouse purchases do not count for the 5% category whenever the grocery store quarter is active.

I think Chase probably does some sort of mass apply exclusion to anything that starts with Walmart which is probably why WM NM is also lumped it as part of Walmart inadvertently even though they should be considered a pure grocery store. I think this is a Chase issue and not so much something that applies to most cards.