PayPal Referral Bonus: Refer A Friend & Both Earn $10

Update 11/7/22: Deal available again

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • PayPal is offering existing users $10 when they send 1¢ to a friend without PayPal, if they send up and link their bank account/debit card and spend $5+ by December 31 both you and them will receive a $10 bonus

The Fine Print

  • Limit of $50 in referral rewards
  • You may only refer family and personal friends and acquaintances. Additionally, you must not publish or distribute the invitation to participate that you received from PayPal in public locations (online or otherwise) where the audience is likely to include people who are not your family or personal friends/acquaintances. If you do so, PayPal may disqualify you from participation in the Program and any successful referrals will be void, in PayPal’s sole discretion.

Our Verdict

Please do not share your referrals in the comments as the terms of the offers specifically mention not sharing it publicly. Standard referral bonus previously was $5. Personally think it will be difficult to find somebody without a PayPal account these days but good bonus if you know of somebody without one already.

Post history:

  • Update 2/7/21: Deal available again. Hat tip to FM
  • Update 9/17/20: Deal is back until December 31, 2020. Hat tip to reader EW
  • Update 10/18/19: Deal has been brought back and now valid until December 31st, 2019. Hat tip to reader Bentley
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mangorunner (@guest_1524247)
January 2, 2023 13:08

12/03 – Referred friend.
12/24 – Friend made first PayPal purchase over $5.
To date, no $10 referral bonus received by either of us. Fine print in Terms & Conditions says reward should post within 24 hours but may take up to two weeks. Will follow up with PayPal Customer Service if no payout within two-week period.

San (@guest_1482929)
November 8, 2022 01:18

Same problem. Referred P2 who never had Paypal account, met all the conditions. So far no bonus received. Going to contact Paypal CS

mangorunner (@guest_1524271)
January 2, 2023 13:50

San, Did you and your P2 ever receive the $10 PayPal Referral Bonus?

San (@guest_1524303)
January 2, 2023 14:42

mangorunner – Nope. I contacted twice and then gave up.

mangorunner (@guest_1524326)
January 2, 2023 15:10

San, Rats. I’m so sorry. Discouraging news. Despise these companies that don’t keep their promises… especially for a measly $20 bucks.

Celia (@guest_1524332)
January 2, 2023 15:22

Same issue with being offered $10 to try their app. Annoying.

VS (@guest_1332618)
February 15, 2022 19:28

Don’t do it, you will never get it. Waste of time and effort! I tried twice, but never got the bonus.

Sonno Miao
Sonno Miao (@guest_1180615)
April 22, 2021 03:03

I referred my friend last year, they didn’t give me the bonus I contacted them they gave me $10 voucher

Andrew (@guest_1151880)
February 28, 2021 10:53

Positive DP. Referred my son who just turned 18 and he bought something from Best Buy using PP – $10 posted for both of us this week

Erik (@guest_1141606)
February 8, 2021 05:56

Is there anything that prevent someone from opening another account to get the bonus?

ieatdogfood (@guest_1141991)
February 8, 2021 21:40

A banishment into eternity.

ieatdogfood (@guest_1482595)
November 7, 2022 19:54


Steve (@guest_1141470)
February 7, 2021 17:52

Never got the bonus when I did this in December. PayPal customer service just sucks so I didn’t waste my time contacting them. Don’t waste your time with this deal!

caobi (@guest_1141440)
February 7, 2021 16:33

Did it last month, but never received any money

Matthew (@guest_1141395)
February 7, 2021 14:23

Did refer 2 people and never got the $10. Don’t waste your time

Philip (@guest_1141386)
February 7, 2021 14:01

Had a very hard time to contact PayPal for the rewards supposed to come but haven’t. Only got $10 for referrer, won’t do it again.