Plastiq has been coding as Lodgings and triggering the Travel category bonus on most Visa cards, including 3x on CSR, since April. Unfortunately, this appears to have died on June 3.
There are a few data points indicating that it’s still working on CIP (1, 2, 3). One data point of CIP not working: 1. Also check this Reddit thread for conflicting CIP data points.
Let us know if you have data points on CIP or other Visa cards in the comments. (Please let us know if you previously had success and it changed or if this is your first attempt.)
I’ve reached out to our Plastiq contact to find out if anything changed on their end, which is really the question here. Did something change on the Plastiq backend which would then result in no cards considering Plastiq to be Travel any longer? Or did Chase recode something on their end in which case it’s possible they only changed CSR and likely CSP, not CIP. And then the Travel coding could still work for other Visa cards (BofA & Cap1).
In any case, there’s a good chance that AT&T is not affected by this change. Note, ATT has always been highly YMMV so do a small test first.
We’ll update our review of Plastiq when we clarify the issue.
Hat tip to Frequentmiler and @telewatcr
Plastiq charged me thw waived fee today. Dang.
“When you originally scheduled a series of six rent payments, we waived our usual fee on your initial payment. Under Plastiq’s terms and conditions, this fee became due when you cancelled the scheduled payments.”
Recent DPs on reddit seem to indicate that 3x is back on CIP – anyone here had success with this?
previous 3 months coded as travel for 3x btw
another confirmation that 3x is dead. coded as Online, Mail, or Telephone transaction this month 🙁
Just received the following depressing email from AT&T Access More Card :
Hi, . The categories eligible to earn 3x ThankYou Points for purchases made with your AT&T Access More card are being updated. Beginning July 22, 2017, you’ll only receive 1 point, not 3x points, for every $1 spent online on the purchase or reloading of gift cards or on rental and real estate payments.
Please note, you’ll still earn 3x points on every $1 spent on purchases made online at eligible retail and travel websites, including department and warehouse websites, online travel agencies and airline websites.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-855-488-6642 (TDD/TTY: 1-800-325-2865).
This isn’t exactly related to coding as travel, but I’m not sure where else to post this DP.
I sent money to Vanguard using Plastiq with my CIP and it coded as “trvl, ship, adv, telecom” meaning 3x points. In Plastiq, I categorized Vanguard as “Other” and entered “Savings” in the “other” field.
This is a great, easy way to get points if you already put money into an IRA or other retirement account with Vanguard anyway. I’ve done it twice now with my CIP just to make sure, and it’s worked both times. I did have to use a debit card for my very first time though since I got a cash advance warning.
excellent DP. i’ll have to try this for my 2017 IRA contribution!
maybe it codes as ship because their logo is a ship 😉
So how did you use Plastiq to put money into your Vanguard account? When I tried to add Vanguard as new recipient in Plastiq website, I couldn’t find Vanguard as suggested receipent. So I assume you chose the option of Plastiq sending Vanguard a check. When I check Vanguard website on submitting a check for funding, Vanguard wants me to send the check with a form signed by me. How did you overcome this?
Apparently, Plastiq just refunded my latest payment to Vanguard. The check had already been sent out, so I’m not sure if Vanguard sent it back or what. Well that was short-lived.
Any data points of whether or not the CSP is also no longer coding as travel? Looks like only speculation in the body of the post. I have a couple thousand on my minimum spend for my wife’s CSP, wouldn’t mind paying the mortgage on it if it’s earning 2x still. Probably will just leave it on the CIP if not though
Only speculation
In the context of the discussion above, does CIP= Chase Ink Plus or Chase Ink Preferred?
Chase INK Preferred
Thank you for the reply, Chuck! Very informative article…I can’t believe I completely missed out on the CSR opportunity with Plastiq for my mortgage pmts as I’ve had CSR from day 1 and been using Plastiq for my mortgage for quite some time…obviously I need to visit your site more often…At least I got locked in on the 1.5% MC rate at Plastiq for recurring pmts to mortgage…but that pales in comparison to getting 3X UR at a 2.5% fee. I believe they ran that 1.5% fee on MC for mortgage pmts deal last year and let you lock it in.
thanks for relaying the (bad) news — such as it is. As I had reported on your earlier thread, I had made my first CSR payment, via plastiq, towards a Quicken heloc on June 1st — and it coded travel, 3% UR points, etc. Received confirmation on the morning of the 3rd (and posted my news here that morning — the 3rd.) Closed my post with this: “Hope this 3x travel coding stays around a while.”
May re-test this one last time.
Made a payment to Capital One Auto Finance with the Ink Preferred on 6/6/17, code as Travel
Making a mortgage payment on 6/8/17, will see if it codes as travel