Postmates: Two Months Of Postmates Unlimited (Free Delivery) With Promo Code ATTTHANKS

The Offer

  • Postmates is offering two months of postmates unlimited when you enter the promo code ATTTHANKS

Our Verdict

Postmates unlimited normally costs $9.99 a month and gives you free delivery. Using this code enrolls you in auto billing, so you need to cancel before the end of the two month period otherwise you will be charged $9.99 a month. If you cancel immediately you’ll only get one month free tho, so you’ll want to cancel after the first month has finished to get the full benefit.

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Yosk (@guest_954881)
April 9, 2020 14:30

Has anyone else had any luck canceling this? Trying to follow directions in the app/on the website, but it doesn’t let me cancel.

Junior (@guest_916057)
February 21, 2020 18:10

I did all the steps but when I click on Manage Unlimited Membership it says that the Next Payment is February 27, 2020. Is this the same for anyone else? The only mention of the 2 month trial is when I was signing up…

Adam (@guest_916037)
February 21, 2020 17:54

Are you sure this enrolls in automatic billing? No confirmation/warning of anything like that when I applied the code

Kelly James
Kelly James (@guest_917214)
February 23, 2020 00:56

I used the code “POSTMATES100” and got $100 in Free Delivery Credits!

Kevbo Sampson
Kevbo Sampson (@guest_915834)
February 21, 2020 14:34

Postmates is usually way too expensive in bigger cities, but in the more suburby/rural area I live it is actually cheaper than Grubhub and Doordash.

Jon (@guest_915197)
February 21, 2020 01:14

Postmates is way too expensive

ieatdogfood (@guest_915163)
February 21, 2020 00:20

Back when I used to take advantage of promo codes for pick up, I could use the entire promo code and actually charge less than 30 cents (not sure the exact amount) and it would never post on the credit card.

i.e. $5 promo code used on $5.25 order, meaning 25 cents should be charged to my card but never does.

You will always have an authorization hold of $1.20 ($1 + 20% gratuity) no matter what which would drop off next day or two.

*I’m not sure if this is still the case.* My theory is that it costs them too much to process so they just don’t charge anything even with 30 cent overage for pick up. I have no insight about delivery.

HelpyBoi (@guest_916300)
February 21, 2020 23:24

Looking at Stripe’s rate of 30c + 2.9% per order, I suspect they’ve set ~30 cents as the threshold for the charge.

Gerard (@guest_915154)
February 21, 2020 00:13

With the HSBC cash rewards mastercard you get $5 off any purchase of $25 or more made through Postmates

Kevin (@guest_915095)
February 20, 2020 23:01

Is the food overpriced on postmates abd how much do you typically have to pay tip on postmate unlimited?

San (@guest_915102)
February 20, 2020 23:08

Prices are way too high.
Tip – I pay 20% of the order before taxes.