PSA: Don’t Use Paypal On AliExpress (Cash Advance)

Apparently I’m a few weeks behind on this, but reader Jessica reports getting hit with a cash advance fee when paying with Paypal for an EliExpress purchase. An internet search turns up multiple other people saying the same thing, regardless of which card is used.

The issue is only for AliExpress purchases paid with Paypal as they have AliExpress coded as a financial institution. So just pay with a different method on AliExpress.

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Kathy Masini
Kathy Masini (@guest_1119047)
December 30, 2020 15:38

I also had the same $10.00 Advance charge using PayPal. Capital One reversed the charges as well a the interest fee. Is there a way to purchase from them without being seen as a cash advance? Capital One stated that they would also see the charge as a Cash Advance as well

Kevin (@guest_1102539)
December 3, 2020 12:38

Effective November 3rd 2020 – This issue has been addressed

Kevin (@guest_1102587)
December 3, 2020 14:23

So sorry. Still can’t believe it is December already. Above comment was meant to say effective December 3rd (TODAY).

Bill (@guest_1102696)
December 3, 2020 17:26

I made a purchase on November 30 with a Chase card through PayPal and it got coded as a cash advance. Did they fix it between Nov 30 and today Dec 3?

Matthew (@guest_1104338)
December 7, 2020 08:47

This is not true the I have three transactions that have attracted unexpected ‘cash advance’ fees dated 1st December 2020.

Q (@guest_1101927)
December 2, 2020 13:04

Same here happened to me two $10 fee charges. Two orders I did via PayPal (thru Amazon Prime CC). I was able to dispute it but it sucks as I did not see this fee until my bill statement came.

mi (@guest_1096266)
November 23, 2020 14:38

I was ripped 2x$10 $0..07, & $0.03. First one was refunded by appealing chase secure message. But 2nd was denied. So I went to EVA chat on Ali. When I reached EVA rep person, they know this problem already. I had to sent proof screenshot of Chase card account activity and message btwn Chase and Me( secure message) and Paypal bill. Ali customer service promised they will refund cash advance fee$10 on my paypal account. Well see. Try it.

Chitora (@guest_1095129)
November 21, 2020 05:12

Same issue. Apparently Capital One “doesn’t have the option to reverse the fee” I’m so mad!

ES (@guest_1095627)
November 22, 2020 13:00

If they have no option to reverse the fee, ask them to post a credit to your account to offset that fee. This is a total bs because they can do all kinds of adjustments if they want to; unfortunately, they are all taking advantage of the situation to steal consumers money. If you don’t get your money back, you may want to consider filing a complaint with the FDIC. Good luck.

bonita ryan
bonita ryan (@guest_1107936)
December 12, 2020 15:59

Then Capital one just got richer off of you, the only one benefitting from cash advance fees. They should refund your cash advance fee. This looks like a scam, but, it’s a coding error triggering that fee.

ES (@guest_1094412)
November 19, 2020 19:35

Chase reversed the $10 cash advance fee, however they are NOT reclassifying the charge; meaning it will stay as cash advance. And that is bad because the charge is now accruing daily interest at the annual rate of almost 25%. Don’t overlook this point because you will have a surprise when you receive your monthly statement. In order to avoid the interest charge keep accumulating you will have to quickly pay the minimum amount plus the actual “cash advance”. Just to be on the safe side, I paid a little more than that last night. Sadly, no one is taking responsibility for this, and consumers are unjustly being hit with extra fees and interests. Wouldn’t be surprised if people filed a class action law suit against those involved.

Stacy (@guest_1092848)
November 17, 2020 13:10

This also happened on my Capital One credit card which is what prompted me to look online to see if people were having the same issue. It seems as though that using Paypal (regardless of the type of credit card) for Aliexpress transactions will charge it as a cash advance fee? It’s so strange how this started to happen recently as all of the comment time stamps are November 2020. I am on hold with Paypal (2 hour wait currently). I will advise if I get any further clarification.

AliBlahBlah (@guest_1095500)
November 22, 2020 07:06

How’d you make out with PayPal?

AliBlahBlah (@guest_1091999)
November 16, 2020 13:25

Also had cash advance slapped on me on a November 1 purchase. Didn’t see it until now and called Chase who refunded my the transaction fee but I had to make minimum payment to avoid the cash advance accruing interest.

Also filed a dispute with PayPal as there was no indication that it would be charged that way. We will see how they handle it.

I also had Chase modify all my accounts to not allow a charge if its over my cash advance limit (which is currently set to $20 since thats the lowest they would allow).

Weifeng (@guest_1091990)
November 16, 2020 13:16

Fuck that. Me got ripped off too.

Sergey (@guest_1091957)
November 16, 2020 12:09

Two orders. Two $10 cash advance fees on Chase Freedom. How do I dispute it?

ES (@guest_1094820)
November 20, 2020 13:19

I don’t know if you have already found the solution; if not, you can leave a secure message on their website complaining about the fees, or you can try to talk to a customer service rep. Not all reps will help you, so just keep calling them until they reverse the charges, and don’t forget that those charges are already accruing interest (read my post above). Good luck.