Q4 2018 5% Quarterly Categories: Activate, Offers & Suggestions (Freedom, Discover, Dividend, Cash+)

It’s now possible to activate/enroll your 5% credit cards for the fourth quarter of 2018 on Chase Freedom, Discover IT, Citi Dividend, and US Bank Cash+. In this post we’ll provide the activation link for each card and link to track your spend, along with strategies to help increase spend on these categories.

Dates: October 1st – December 31st, 2018. Store purchases can usually be done until the last minute. Online purchases should be given a buffer zone of a day or two.

Chase Freedom – Wholesale Clubs, Department Stores & Chase Pay

Activation Link / Our original post

  • Earn 5% back at Wholesale Clubs, Department Stores & Chase Pay during the months of October, November, December, up to $1,500 maximum. Some tips:
    • Chase Pay. You can use Chase Pay at select merchants online and in-store, here’s a partial list of partners. Keep in mind you can now link Chase Pay & Samsung Pay together, Samsung Pay is basically accepted everywhere so should make it much easier to make out this category. The fine print specifically states purchases through Samsung Pay when linked qualify for 5% as well.
    • Department Stores. includes places like Sears, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Nordstrom, Nordstrom Rack, and Neiman Marcus. Full list can be found here.  It does not include discount stores or super-centers such as Target, Costco, BJ’s, or Sam’s Club.
    • Wholesale Clubs. includes include Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s

Most people will probably max this out either via Chase Pay for regular purchases (especially if you have access to Samsung Pay) or by purchasing gift cards at Wholesale Clubs.

Tip: Click this link (login required) to check how far you are along the $1,500.

Discover – Amazon.com & Wholesaleclubs

Activation Link / Our original post

  • Amazon.com purchases include those made through the Amazon.com checkout, including digital downloads, Amazon.com gift cards, Amazon Fresh orders, Amazon Local Deals, Amazon Prime subscriptions and items sold by third party merchants through Amazon.com’s marketplace.
  • Wholesale Clubs. includes include Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s

Lots of people will just max this out at Amazon, although keep in mind some cards earn 5% cash back at Amazon year round. Also don’t forget to stack Amazon with other deals (more on that here). Another option is gift cards at Wholesale Clubs as mentioned above.

Tip: Login, then click this link to see you how far along the $1,500 you are.


Citi Dividend – Best Buy & Department Stores

Activation Link | Our Original Post

  • Department stores.
  • Best buy. Best buy stores can be useful for regular purchases and also for resellers, they also sell a number of third party gift cards.

Citi is slightly different to the other cards in that you have a $6,000 annual cap rather than a quarterly cap. So you can get 5% back on up to $6,000 in this quarter, you can save the entire amount for a different quarter, or you can use part up each quarter. A lot of people have been saving their spend for this quarter, feel free to share how you’ll max it out in the comments below.

Cash+ – Select your Categories

Activation link | Our Original Post

U.S. Bank Cash+ offers 5% cash back in two categories, up to $2,000 combined total per quarter. Here are the current options.

Keep in mind that the Bookstores category has been  replaced with Home Utilities since April 1. Prepaying your gas and electric can help max this out.

  • Home utilites
  • Select clothing stores
  • Cell phones
  • Electronic Stores
  • Car rentals
  • Gyms/Fitness
  • Fast food
  • Ground Transportation
  • Sporting goods
  • Department Stores
  • Furniture Stores
  • Movie theaters

Tip: Login here, then scroll down and click on the Red “View Your Cash+ History” button.

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Monica Kim
Monica Kim (@guest_695382)
December 22, 2018 22:00

Anyone received 5x for Costco gift cards purchased online with Freedom?
I am hearing that some people only received 1x.

Mike Advantage
Mike Advantage (@guest_692004)
December 16, 2018 23:35

I just saw this thread.  William Charles I’m just wondering, so it’s confirmed that we can get 5% back from buying Amazon gift cards for ourselves until the end of December and of course that gift card balance can be used on Airbnb e-gift cards on Amazon. so basically a 5% discount on airbnb, no?

December 16, 2018 23:43

Or you can just buy the Airbnb gc directly with the credit card instead.

Mike Advantage
Mike Advantage (@guest_692023)
December 17, 2018 00:25

right now I have a $500 Airbnb gift card balance.. i don’t like to go much higher than that.. just in case something were to happen to my account.. so i figure if i load Amazon gift card funds first then I can use for future Airbnb gift card purchases or Amazon purchases.. though I’m an expat living overseas right now.. so Amazon purchases wouldn’t make much sense for me until I’m back in the U.S.. so that’s why I also hope that they don’t stop allowing the purchase of Airbnb gift certs.

Mike Advantage
Mike Advantage (@guest_692026)
December 17, 2018 00:45

right now I have a $500 Airbnb gift card balance.. i don’t like to go much higher than that.. just in case something were to happen to my account.. so i figure if i load Amazon gift card funds first then I can use for future Airbnb gift card purchases or Amazon purchases.. though I’m an expat living overseas right now.. so Amazon purchases wouldn’t make much sense for me until I’m back in the U.S.. so that’s why I also hope that they don’t stop allowing the purchase of Airbnb gift certs.

Jimmy (@guest_655097)
October 10, 2018 04:04

Costco cash cards purchased online don’t seem to be getting 5x on Chase. They seem to be differentiating between online (listed as WWW COSTCO COM) and in-store (COSTCO WHSE).

kurph (@guest_658390)
October 16, 2018 15:03

Can anybody confirm this?

Amy (@guest_653892)
October 8, 2018 09:21

I will be getting a nintendo switch for a christmas gift. I can use UR points or cash/points, any shopping portal. I only belong to ebates right now.
any suggestions on the best way to maximize points? I have reserve, Ink pref, ink cash, amex hilton.

Biscoff27 (@guest_652901)
October 5, 2018 03:01

For the Chase Freedom Chase Pay category, the article says “The fine print specifically states purchases through Samsung Pay when linked qualify for 5% as well.” Can someone provide a link to this fine print?

My first attempt at paying with this method (launching Chase Pay, selecting Freedom card, hitting Pay with Samsung Pay) only yielded 1x points. I sent a secure message and got the following response from Chase: “for you to receive 5.00% for a Chase Pay transactions you cannot Pay with Samsung Pay within the Chase Pay app. The transaction needs to be made only with Chase Pay.”

Steve (@guest_653147)
October 5, 2018 14:29

I’m not sure which fine print DoC meant here, but if you click the “Activation Link”, the bottom says “You can also link Chase Pay to Samsung Pay wallet and use Chase Pay anywhere Samsung Pay is accepted”. That doesn’t explicitly say you’ll get 5% for using Samsung Pay, but it does sound like using Samsung Pay should qualify as “using Chase Pay”.

Mike (@guest_653156)
October 5, 2018 14:52

I haven’t done any big purchases yet but a trip to Walmart and a trip to Chick-Fil-A both coded by paying with Samsung Pay as 5% bonus for Chase Pay. (Connected Chase Pay through Samsung Pay)

icemule1 (@guest_652047)
October 4, 2018 14:58

For the Citi Dividend card, I just enrolled and got this message:

You can take advantage of this offer within two business days or after the start date of your offer, whichever is later.

Do I really need to wait two days to make a purchase?

Mimi (@guest_650828)
October 3, 2018 11:05

Once we click to link our Freedom card in ChasePay to SamsungPay and see the CP logo in there, do we just go straight to SamsungPay and get 5% CB from Chase?

BC (@guest_650836)
October 3, 2018 11:22

Yes. I have that setup and am showing bonus earnings from “Chase Pay” in my account this morning.

FindingMyPossible (@guest_650795)
October 3, 2018 09:38

How are people using the Citi Dividend this quarter? Why is this quarter better than the others?

calwatch (@guest_652915)
October 5, 2018 04:03

VGC at Best Buy in the past, although they only offered $200’s at $6.95 so it wasn’t that good a deal unless you had a use for BB bucks earned therein.

AJ (@guest_650211)
October 2, 2018 09:58

Like the Samsung Pay, is there an option of linking Apple pay to Chase pay if any?

Lrdx (@guest_692027)
December 17, 2018 00:51


Kwok Fung
Kwok Fung (@guest_650149)
October 2, 2018 06:00

Does anyone know if Sam’s club still sells MasterCard gift card?

Jatan (@guest_650808)
October 3, 2018 10:15

Max $250 loading on MCGC — hardcoded by the register even if you find variable packaging that says up to $500