Rakuten: Get $45/4,500 With Gobble Meal Subscription

Update 1/14/23: Available again. Hat tip to reader Davis

Update 9/3/22: Available again (ht Kris)

Update 8/14/22: Back at $45/4,500. Note restriction: Cash Back is only available one time per Rakuten member on the initial subscription sign up. (ht Aditya and Shawn)

Update 7/3/22: Back at $45/4,500 (ht Nancy and Shawn) Update 6/10/22: Back to $45 for the next three days; Update 5/28/22: Back at 4,500/$45 again (ht Kris); Update 5/9/22: Now $40 or $45 (varies by person). $4/$9 money maker (?); Update 4/17/22: This is back to $35 on the Rakuten app only

The Offer

Direct Link to offer

  • Rakuten is offering $35/3,500 for new Gobble meal subscribers.

Our Verdict

It’s supposed to be possible to get 6 meals for $36 with promo code (mentioned on Rakuten) WIN2021. Or get 4 meals for $32.02. Not a freebie, but cheap way to get 4 or 6 meals at minimal cost.

Update: Readers note that promo code OLOGY50 (mentioned on Rakuten) can bring down the cost to around $18 or less, resulting in a moneymaker of at least $10 + free food.

Hat tip to reader Davis

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Joe (@guest_1539000)
January 20, 2023 23:28

Down to $30 from the $45 a few days ago.

JL100 (@guest_1536679)
January 18, 2023 11:32

bait and switch it charged me $46 after showing $20 something online. I called up and cancelled, not worth paying a cent per point even with the food.

CN1282 (@guest_1535461)
January 16, 2023 23:15

Also was charged 46$ but prior to submitting the order it said $14.xx, I tried messaging support with no luck response after 30 minutes

CN1282 (@guest_1535595)
January 17, 2023 07:26

Rakuten tracked again, did this offer June of 2022, thinking about messaging support again.. very deceptive billed for 46$ but prior to checkout shows 14$. I assume this would jeopardize the 45$ from Rakuten if I get a refund however for the difference


Anna (@guest_1535596)
January 17, 2023 07:31

Same :(. But Rakuten seems to be great about crediting missing money/points when you request it.

Anna (@guest_1535600)
January 17, 2023 08:20

Update: I contacted Gobble last night and they refunded me the difference! I see on Rakuten that I have the 4500 points with the adjusted purchase of $14.xx. Yay!

NDrew (@guest_1535288)
January 16, 2023 17:59

WIN2021 (code on the Rakuten site) made it $14 for the smallest meal plan (2 meals for 2 people.) I don’t know if it makes a difference, but I initially selected Vegetarian and then was able to pick other meals on the next screen

newguy (@guest_1535398)
January 16, 2023 21:02

Check your credit/debit card transaction, it would be showing up $46 charged to your account.

Anna (@guest_1534888)
January 16, 2023 07:40

I must have done something wrong. Used WIN2021 code for the two people/two meal plan and was charged $46. I guess $1 for a few meals isn’t the worst..

Anna (@guest_1534653)
January 15, 2023 21:43

Is code OLOGY50 still working?

A M (@guest_1534905)
January 16, 2023 08:39

It might be, but in this case, seems using only Rakuten listed code is important per earlier comments and the fine print

bob123 (@guest_1534619)
January 15, 2023 20:28

Did this back in 8/22 and did it again a few hours ago. Tracked a few hours after, thanks

sdtora (@guest_1534480)
January 15, 2023 16:06

Credited on Rakuten within an hour, thanks very much! I suggest skipping the next two deliveries ASAP so you don’t get charged for them. And the link to cancel/deactivate completely is buried in their FAQ: https://support.gobble.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001469167-How-do-I-deactivate-

Minnu (@guest_1534263)
January 15, 2023 09:55

Any way to get best mm?..i mean which meals are the cheapest ones?

B (@guest_1534233)
January 15, 2023 08:39

has anyone churned it successfully?