- Buy a used card with up to five credit cards. Would rather test drive the car and try to score a discount on it, but might be worth a look if you can find something decent on the site.
- The Most You Should Pay for a Hotel: IHG by DEM Flyers. Really like this series, something a bit different.
- Free 2,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards Points w/ Ink @ Staples by Miles Brief. Not a huge fan of the rebate game, but good deal for those that can follow the requirements.
- Hyatt Malware List. Provides some information about the Malware problems at Hyatt, including a list of the affected hotels and dates.
- TWO American Airlines $50 gift cards giveaway! by Points With A Crew. Not the best chance of winning, but it’s a good site anyway so follow Dan on Twitter at the very least.
- Free Full Size Bottle Of Axe, Degree, Or Dove Dry Spray Antiperspirant by DansDeals. Free is free, just don’t get the Axe.
- #ResellingDO2 Updates and Tickets to go on sale by Tagging Miles. Heard very good things about the first do, if reselling is your thing and you can make the dates I’d head along.
- Airbus to Supply Helicopters to Uber by Nasdaq. Can only really see this doing well for specific events and maybe the NYC/LA area.