Recap: COVID-19 Airline/Airport Testing, BA Can Close Accounts If You Criticize Them


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DT (@guest_1066155)
October 1, 2020 18:35

British Airways LOOL. Well good bye UK

DontYouComplain! (@guest_1065859)
October 1, 2020 13:20

So instead of improving their hard product and customer service, they just ban loyalty customers who don’t like mediocre offerings. Not a good look.

GengisKhan (@guest_1065797)
October 1, 2020 12:17

So if you want to cancel your account – you don’t need to call, chat or send a secure message? You just need to trash them online? I wish all companies were like this.

slowbrake (@guest_1065776)
October 1, 2020 11:55

I guess rapid testing makes lots of sense because they can bake costs into the ticket price and when it’s no longer needed just leave price higher – instant profit margin with little PR risk. I’m kinda surprised Spirit/Frontier and their ilk didn’t try this first, they could have made a killing testing people before deboarding.

Finland is trialing using Covid sniffing dogs. Rapid and noninvasive.

gemarakop (@guest_1065704)
October 1, 2020 10:33

“criticize” they should rename themselves north Korean airlines kju would be happy. Maybe hell help them write terms and conditions

debit (@guest_1065630)
October 1, 2020 09:13

People got fired for saying the emperor is a treasonous bastard in the US. And the spineless sycophants kept quiet, but normally cackle about law and order.

All power to BA. Do whatever you want.

JDawg (@guest_1065668)
October 1, 2020 09:52


A M (@guest_1065770)
October 1, 2020 11:51

Yeah, keep yawning 🙄

Chris (@guest_1065627)
October 1, 2020 09:09

rapid testing at all hubs will be great!

YoniPDX (@guest_1065792)
October 1, 2020 12:11

Why can’t Amex/Chase Platty/CSR have this as a travel benefit:

Includes X number of COVID mail in test (you pay the over night mail fee – they negotiate a bulk reduced lab test fee ). Since these are travel cards.

We get it free – with our KP insurance and 12-24 hour turn around – but not everybody provider has quick turnaround.