- Hawaiian Airlines to require all US-based employees to be vaccinated against COVID by Hawaii News Now.
- Wait, Emirates’ Burj Khalifa Stunt Was Real?!?! by OMaaT.
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Don’t be a fatso. There, you’re welcome.
republicans just don’t care about what the science has to say. it’s the same reason why they deny climate change, the same reason why they vilify education actually.
it’s sad, but also somewhat ingenious that republicans were able to convince their voterbase to remain stupid. makes them much easier to lie to.
i guarantee if we tried to pass seatbelt mandates today, we wouldn’t be able to. common sense is lost on these people.
I always say; “It is very expensive to be a Republican. It requires common sense.”. Not everyone can afford common sense. You are someone who cannot afford it.
Bro you guys literally believe the Chinese installed Biden as president in one of the most intricately complex hacks of all time – of which only Mike lindell, the my pillow guy has proof – instead of believing that trump lost because he was a failure and hated by a majority of the population. Common sense is not something you’ll ever possess
Pipe dreams……
Considering that vaccinated individuals can still get COVID as well as can be super spreaders
this inspite of being fully vaccinated.is concerning.
I’m pretty sure that vaccinating our way to “herd immunity” is one such pipe dream—-just like ‘flattening the curve ‘, as well as “efficacy of the vaccine” definition has become a moving target.
11% of Americans have tested postive for COVID19.
It seems that there is little scientific interest is studying innante immunity and the T-cell immunity of those that have recovered from COVID-19- probably because they can’t market it, sell it or make a buck off of it.
That said Breakthrough cases:
The most recent numbers are extremely troubling with the numbers of breakthrough cases and deaths in the UK, US and Israel have been multipling rapidly and could over take earlier waves.
Your chances of dying if your hospitalized depends on your demographic (age/sex/race) and if you have comorbidities – while being vaccinated may lower your chances of testing postive for COVID it won’t prevent you getting infected – but if you get sick and are hospitalized your odds of dying are the same as an unvaccinated person.
Being for or against the vaccine won’t change the data or the outcome.
Your odds of dying are not the same once you are vaccinated. Please don’t spread obviously false information.
It’s pretty pathetic how you portray yourself as an unbiased observer. No one claims vaccines are perfect, they DO have a substantial benefit however (yes, even if they’re less effective against delta, data so far still shows them being helpful in various ways) and to claim otherwise is a lie and indicative of your bias.
At the end of the day, if you are healthy this virus is not a threat to you. You really don’t need a vaccine. If you are very old or have pre existing conditions (which many elders have) you may want to be careful. And if you are a fat person you may want to be careful as well. Otherwise, live free and enjoy your life.
If anyone is wondering why we’re still dealing with covid years later, thank this fucking simpleton Harry. You do realize there are very, very good reasons even perfectly healthy and low risk people should vaccinate, right? Maybe leave the doctoring to actual doctors, we really don’t need another asshole’s opinion on how they feel you don’t need a vaccine.
do you know even the original COVID brought down perfectly healthy gym going young people last year and hospitalize or kill them?
Except it didn’t. A young healthy person dying from this is a complete outlier and would be one in a million. Could just as easily died from the common cold in that case.
Did you know that in the US since Jan 2020 there have been under 400 deaths from COVID-19 in those under 18.
This is a 4σ (four sigma SD) group which is almost ought or infinitesimal. Since it’s that much of an outlier.
Dying from COVID-19 is a 3σ deviation in severity as far as lethality even moreso when you factor the demographics.
Yet one would think or believe that the hospitals are full of kids dying from COVID and that this was the modern day equivalency of the Black Death (Plague)..
“Did you know that in the US since Jan 2020 there have been under 400 deaths from COVID-19 in those under 18.”
Please don’t confuse the gender studies generation with real data. They prefer emotionally charged outlier events such as “COVID brought down perfectly healthy gym going young people last year”.
A recent study showed that those who identify as liberal believe there is a 24% chance of being hospitalized if you get covid (10x the actual number). For those who are healthy under 50 it’s about 100x the actual number. Behold the power of mass media and big pharma on a generation that never learned critical thinking!
lol on the “gender studies generation.” They’re just speaking Their Truth!
Risk of COVID for under 50 y/o is virtually zero. I’m sure you have a few anecdotes of young people getting sick, those few cases are the outlier, and likely had zinc or vitamin D deficiency. 80%+ of covid cases with complications had a vitamin D deficiency.
Antivaxxers are fucking morons
Fanatical vaxers are foolish and deluded and their use of bad language is unnecessary and unfortunate.
Linking to Twitter to support your trash – you really are a goon aren’t you?
You liberals thrive and infest Twitter, and now you trash it for the moment. You are upholding jewish stereotypes.
The vaccine doesn’t prevent you from contracting the virus and spreading it. Data showing how many people hospitalized/dead are vaxed or not would be more meaningful.
In Oregon in July 33% of COVID cases were Vaxxed individuals. 9% of Death were Vaxxed individuals. Oregon is 6th or 7th state with highest Vaxxed population.
The US demographics in the CFR (Case fatality Rate) are unchanged.
if your >70 1:500 die from COVID
If your <18 1:1M die from COVID
In Israel those aged <18
20% of undiagnosed individuals have been found to have antibodies for COVID from Serological testing.
Serious sIde effects in those 18 and under occur 1:10,000 jabs.
Israel 80% of those older than 18 are vaxxed- yet this cohort of vaxxed individuals represent 90% of hospital admissions for COVID.
This is a just a data base post. I've been tracking COVID-19 since the Diamond Princess in February 2020.
Too late to edit.
“The CDC only tracks Breakthrough COVID cases…..IF the individual is hospitalized or dies.”
Over 10% of the US population has tested positive for COVID-19
>+ 36M people
States on the East coast with the lowest vaccination rates have lower number of deaths per capital than the most vaccinated states.
Facts are stubborn things. But people of a certain political persuasion have invested too much in the vaccine to open their minds to the obvious fact that the vaccines are not “all that.” The trend I keep seeing is that fact-based scientists and reporters discover Covid truths and the MSM and “public health officials” SLOWLY accept these truths. The MSM then writes stories to “gently guide” their readers to the new realities. Just look at how declining vax efficacy has been reported the last month. In the meantime, you get lots of people screaming “yesterday’s” talking points — like the insane idea that everyone being hospitalized is unvaxed.
Lol… even if that “9% of deaths are vaccinated individuals” statistic is true… doesn’t that mean 91% were UNVACCINATED? Your own facts are staring you in the face! Get your shots.
I know that some spin a narrative that the Gov’t lies to it’s citizens ( the state of Oregon in my post above).
The empirical data that I posted I used from :
On that note I do find it troubling that the CDC stopped tracking all breakthrough cases (perhaps it because how high the initial data was….its highly likely it would have discouraged people from getting the jab because of how many people were testing postive for COVID-19 despite getting vaccinated).
Now the CDC only collects data of breakthrough cases if they are hospitalized or die. As of July 1st.
Oh no boo hoo bad language. 😭
You already took the shots, what are you so worried about? It’s a personal medical decision, stop shaming and insulting people who don’t think the same as you.
Yes, please continue loudly declaring you have no idea how vaccination works.
Yes, please tell me how the mRNA shots work, you seem really informed.
Weird how the variants are most prevalent in the highest vaccinated countries.
By the way, natural immunity is also a thing. It’s how we all got this far as a species.
“Antivaxxers ” – anyone who is fully vaxxed but is holding off on taking an experimental mrna vaccine because they are under 50 and in good health. They know their chances of getting seriously ill are about 1 in 1000 and recognize that is nothing statistically. Yep – “morons” they are indeed, says the group that doesn’t know the difference between a man and a woman!
I always laugh when the crowd that is notorious for shoving their face full of McDonald’s and taking their fat ass on parade at Walmart is suddenly so concerned about vaccine safety. Y’all are clowns.
PHDs have the highest vaccine hesitancy percentage, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.20.21260795v1.full.pdf+html
A) you linked to a study based on a self reported survey. Surely no one has ever lied on those and we’ve never had any selection bias there. very solid paper lmao
B) I have an M.S. and Ph.D and got the vaccine as soon as it was available for me. (Anecdotal so power of this info is effectively nil, but still funny to note when someone makes such a stupid claim as yours).
“I have an M.S. and Ph.D” – in gender studies
“I saw the word ‘vaccine’ in the headline, and immediately rushed over so that I could be the first to loudly declare my opinions on something I don’t really understand. Something something politics, something something the economy!”
Well you did a good job.
It’s actually nothing to do with anything you said; it’s simply a matter of personal autonomy.
People have the right to not take a vaccine. And they have a right to face all of the consequences, both now and in the future.
Including not being able to be employed by employers that require vaccination.
Not if they clog up the hospital system!
Which consequences are those? If you are implying health or mortality then the risk of those from the virus is virtually zero for most people making it inconsequential.
Can’t wait for health insurance to slap a ‘will not pay’ for the unvaccinated. Then it will be a matter of personal autonomy and personal financial ruin.
Oh cool, just like they’re doing for smokers and fatties. Oh, wait…
Will not pay for COVID related claims? They still pay for people going to the hospital for the common cold don’t they? Why is COVID so special when they are virtually the same thing?