The Offers
- Retailmenot has loaded some new offers into the app:
- Staples: Spend $140+ & get $7 cash back
- Macy’s: Spend $150+ & get $10 cash back
- Walgreens: Spend $50+ & get $5 cash back
- Home Depot: Spend $300 & get $15 back
- CVS: Spend $80 & get $4 back
Our Verdict
I believe Retailmenot now lets you reuse offers but you’re limited to a maximum of 10 per month. Usually the terms excluded gift cards, in practice that hasn’t been enforced (but YMMV and who knows if a claw back will happen. According to this comment they didn’t work at CVS/Kohls). Deals are better when you stack, some options:
- Staples: Fee free Visa gift cards
- Macy’s: Up to 50% back on Wells Fargo cards
- Walgreens: Maybe useful if you haven’t max out your Chase Freedom
Hat tip to reader Jordan
I can confirm that I got $10 cash back each from Walgreens and CVS for ebay gift cards. I will be making another round before these offers expires on 9/30.
It took 4 days for the cash back to be available in the app. You can send it to your PayPal account instantly with no minimum amount to accumulate.
Looks like better offer is back $10 back with purchase of $25+ at Walgreens
I’ve got $10 back with $20+ purchase at Staples, Walgreens, Home Depot, and Macy’s.
Some data points for buying gift cards:
– RMN tracked (for personal cards) for Walgreens, Home Depot
– didn’t track for Macy’s, CVS
– too scared to try Staples, differing DPs
Has anyone tried at Nordstrom Rack?
Staples had worked for me when. they had offer for 7 dollars back with purchase of 140 or more. I purchased 200 VGC and triggered 7 dollars back
$50 Amazon gc using Chase Freedom at Walgreens triggered the $5 reward for me
I generally stay away from the Vanilla VGC, but I bought one today at Walgreens, I use VGC at WM for MOs, will the Vanilla’s work as well as USBank and Meta’s at WM?
Deidres–Vanillas won’t work at WM. Did the VGC purchase at Walgreen’s work for getting the Cash back from Retailmenot?
Walgreens also earns pts on the Drop app. If you’re new to Drop… use Will or Chuck’s referral codes to sign up. John 3:16
Can that be stacked with Spent?
Willy … I haven’t seen any app. that can’t be stacked with Drop. John 3:16
If you have a Wells Fargo card you should be able to stack these with the Staples and Macy’s 50% cash back offers that expire 9/23. See DoC previous post on these
My email used for my RMN account was different than the email associated with my Paypal account. When i went into my RMN profile to change it, my cashback erased to $0. Any ideas?
No tips about the cash back. But for future reference, you can always add additional emails to your PayPal account to allow for transactions or transfers to you.
excellent to know about this. i’m in the same boat as Willy, so i’ll add my RMN email to paypal and hope that lets me cash out
Looks like RMN doesn’t track spend on BoA biz CC. Switched to a personal CC and it tracked.
Spent app has 1% back at Walgreens so if you’re buying $500 GC you come out a little ahead at $5.06 back.
Spent didn’t track for me last week buying 2 × $500 VGC at Walgreens. Not as reliable as RMN.
So far it has tracked for me every time. All of these are YMMV with gift cards, even RMN
It has consistently tracked for me for WAG and there’s no min amount to cashout so I cashout soon as it’s available and re-link offer for another round. I just started doing the app in August 2018. Spent 1% has also tracked well, great tandem.
For those with OBC (NLA for sign ups) and have met the $6.5K threshold, best card to use.
Did it stack RMN and Spent? I couldn’t get Spent to track.
Can you product change a bce or bcp into an obc?
What is the activation fee for a $500 VGC at Walgreens?
It’s been $5.95 for me.
Thanks. I was thinking of maxing out my Freedom at Walgreens, thought that might be a good option.
My store still has OVs with $4.95 fees so I choose those instead of the regular vanillas with $5.95 fees.
Yesterday I split payments and put $36 on a card linked to my RMN account for the Staples spend $30 in-store get $5 back offer which expired yesterday. This is for a $200 visa GC purchase at Staples with the no fee offer currently going on. But RMN did not track for me. So it seems to be a YMMV situation on all these Apps (Spent, RMN etc.).
I just checked my status on the website, I got the $20 for online (master card no fee deal) and the $5 is pending from the Visa no-fee deal on RMN. Didn’t get an email or other notification on either. Might be worth a look at the Rewards section.
What are OVs?